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Denna's POV

He looks at me, wide-eyed, and it confims I thought right.


"I'm sorry." he whispers.

He falls down to the blanket and breaks down crying.

Not knowing what to do, I sit beside him, and give him a long hug, which he quickly rips away from.

"Denna, don't." he says with a shakey voice and tear filled eyes loking into mine that are resisting the urge to match his.

"No Calum, Answer me."

"No, I don't cut myself." he says, looking away.

I know looking away is a sign of non confidence. I know he's lying.

I pull his chin back towards me, and struggle to get him to look at me, but he turns anyways.

"Bullshit Cal, don't even try lying, I know the truth."

He wipes away tears and stands up, really to bolt away.

"No, nope, no, you don't."

"Then why are you wearing such a thick sweatshirt in damn Australia?"


I stand up beside him.

"I know, I know the truth so don't bother telling me I'm just insane, I may be insane in so many ways, but it's also insane how much oi care about you. We may have just beendating for like, three days, but I don't care about that, I care about YOU."

"Denna, you don' get it."

"Calum, Please, will you let me help you?"

"I don't need help, i'm just fine the way i am, thank you very much."

I shake my head.

Cutting is not fine.

"I already told you, don't bullshit me."

"I'm not, damn it. The boys have been trying to help me for what, three years? The entire time we've been together, they knew, and did they end up helping me even in the slightest? No. Don't even try, this is so hopeless."

"You're not hopeless."

"Shut up. I know I am."

"No Calum. Don't put yourself down. Ever. You're so amazing, you're not hopeless, and even if you don't believe in yourself," I pick up his arm and brace myself, as he looks away, knowing whats about to happen.

I slowly roll up the sleeve, and every inch of his arm that becomes exposed, every inch covered in lines. Pale ones mostly, but some light red ones also.

Indicating this has been going on for a while, and no one stopped him. And he's done it again recently.

I look into his eyes, both of us crying, and finish my though, "I believe in you."

His watery eyes widen, as does his smile, and his entire face lights up.

And I know he's genuinly happy.

"You're adorable when you're happy."

"Stop Denna."

I completly ignore him and countinue, falling back down onto the blanket, which he mimicks and falls beside me, wiping his tears away on his sleeve.

"Not that you're not cute when you're not happy. You're just so especially adorable when your eyes twinkle that way. I don't know, I might sound weird, but it's just so adorable."

I turn to Calum, blushing, who's just looking at me that exact same way.

"It may not be true, but I think it's cute that you think that."

"Don't call me cute!" I shout jokingly, knowing it'll push his buttons.

"Hypocrite much." he rolls his eyes, and I roll out a bit.

"Oh shut up!"

We sit there for a moment, but then, I remember the reason we're here in the first place.

"Calum, is it midnight yet?"

"Oh shit, how did I even forget that it's New Years eve?"

He sits up quickly, and i do the same.

We both whip out our phones and press the home button at the same time to read.


Two minutes.

We link our hands together and look into each others eyes.

"What's your New Years resolution Calum?"

"It's to not want to hurt myself. What's yours?"

"It's to help you with that."

I smile, and we open up the clock on our phones, counting down the seconds.






And his lips crash onto mine before the New Year rings in.


this chapter gives me mixed emotions bc I starting in the same mood I ended the last in and eventually got to this fluff

I was listening to the Shawn Mendes cover of Wanted on repeat the whole time

it was blasting

I didn't realize my 20 year old sister was screaming at me to shut up the whole time.


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