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Calum's POV

Me and Ashton distance ourselves from Denna, and find ourselves a bit farther down Michaels block, to a park overlooking the harbor.

"What happened to you down there bro?" he asks me, "That did not seem normal for you. I'm not even going to bother asking if you're alright, because I already got that you're not."

He knows me too well.

No shitty small talk, straight to the 'lets be real' conversation.

Sad thing is, I was hoping for some pointless crap to figure out what to say to him.

"I just- I don't know how to explain it."

Ashton smiles at me comfortingly and puts an arm around me. "Try."

"She asked me out. I have no idea what happened but she actually asked me on a date. Tomorrow. We're going to the movies. SHE asked me out. And I choose that song, If You Don't Know, because, because she said she liked the little bit she heard when I pulled up on her driveway last week when I was blasting it from my car stereo."

"Hold up Cal" He looks around a bit, as if he's literally lost. "What?"

I shake my head, realizing I hadn't told the boys yet.

"I really need to tell all of you at the same time. Its too much."

We stand in silence for a bit, watching the kids play on the lame little plastic structure that's basically falling over.

"I wish we were still pathetic little kids like that and nothing we did mattered. And none of this would be a big deal to me."

He looks over at me, questioningly.

"Why is this a big deal to you? I mean, it's just a date."

"Ugh, she- I can't tell you."

I bury my face in my hands, as if the world will just disappear and I'll be alone and by myself.

"Why? Why can't I know what's bothering my best friend?"

I groan in denial.

"Please, Luke's your best friend."

"No Calum, shut up. Luke's not. Neither is Michael. You are. Now tell me why this is bothering you."

How do I tell him that she's bloody abused at home and her boyfriend was just a stunt?

How do I tell him that I'm afraid of getting too attached?

How do I tell him that she's wonderful and beautiful and I'm just... me?

How do I tell him that I'm afraid she'll see my scars and know what I think about myself?

How do I tell him the damn truth?

"Ashton, I don't even know what to say to you."

He stops for a minute.

And then looks at me.

"The truth please."

A tear forms in my eye, threatening to spill.

I'm way too weak aren't I?

"C'mon Cal, Im here for you bro, so are Michael and Luke. You can tell us. If you don't want to tell me now, its completely okay, later is fine.."

I smile a bit, knowing that there may only be three of them, but I wouldn't trade my friends for the world.

"I just, I wish that people, everyone, could be treated like how they deserve. I mean, sure I deserve" I look at my arms before continuing and saying "this. But she doesn't deserve what she goes through."

The boys may not know what I mean, considering I precisely remember Denna saying she hadn't ever told anyone.

But Ashton strangely and knowingly shakes his head.

Weird kid.

"And I don't deserve her. And you three don't deserve to have to deal with all of this. And-"

He rudely interrupts my amazing lecture.

"Just stop Calum. You god damn don't deserve at all what you do to yourself. I honestly don't get why you do it. You're a pretty cool guy actually. And also, aren't annoying to us at all. We love you. You make everything interesting. It's not hard to 'deal with you'" He says, using finger quotes in the air to emphasize his statement, which using believe but think is still sweet.

It may not be deep or heartfelt, at all.

But, for Ashton, that was plenty.

"Thanks Ash."

"Hey hey hey, you didn't let me finish." he fake scolds.

I laugh a little, a real laugh, and gesture for him to continue.

"You're a pretty damn awesome guy, Cal." he smiles, admitting "Denna is lucky."

He comes close to my ear and whispers "But if she hurts my little Cal-Bear, she's dead."

I laugh a little too loudly at his protectiveness, and the kids from the playground all turn to me.

Once I calm down, I look back up at Ashton, who's smiling at me with his dimples showing.

"Thanks Ashton."

He smiles and pats my back, saying, "Its nothing. Now lets go back to Michaels place and go practice. What song do you want to do?"

I open my mouth, but Ashton continues on.

"No running away this time."

I briefly remember Luke's little singing session from earlier today and Ashton being a runway model for him.

"Mrs. All American?"


probably sucked.

I'm too lazy to edit.

next update will be Tuesday bc I'm really busy all week until like next Sunday but I MUST update on Denna's birthday

;-))))) (fixed the typo there lol)

It'll be a good chapter I promise.

Alright yeah I hope you like it.


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