thirty seven

28 2 7

Denna's POV

I get into my car and slam the door shut, turn on the ignition, and drive.

I don't know where the hell I'm going.

I just drive.

I need to clear my head.

Did he just break up with me?

That's exactly what space means, isn't it?

Yes Denna, it is.

I slap myself quickly, and continue steering the wheel wherever I decide to go.

I find water flowing out of my eyes and I quickly run them away, refusing to give in to weakness.

I'm better than this.

I deserve someone perfect.

Damn it Denna, Calum is perfect and I can't pretend he isn't.

I can't let him keep believing he isn't.

I pull onto the ramp of a highway and go down, passing signs for exits but not giving a shit about where I'm going. I still have gas. I'm fine.

Eventually, I get hungry, so I take the next exit out and look around my surroundings in attempt to find food.

Then I realize where I am, i'm in a park.

I'm in the park.

Where we were on New Years Eve.

No matter where I go, do I have to see things that remind me of him?

I pull back onto the highway, not wanting to have to do with anything related to Calum.

Eventually, I find myself in a shopping mall outside of Sydney.

Shopping helps anything, doesn't it?

No, it doesn't .

Nothing could possibly get Calum off my mind.

I go into the mall, and walk across it once, twice, three times, trying to get him off my mind.

But I can't.

I can't stand this.

I sit down on the nearest bench and pull out my phone.

I hesitate to unlock it.

Should I talk to Calum? I mean, will I sound desperate? We broke up what, an hour ago? And I'm already calling to try and get him back?

Too soon.

I sit there with my phone in my hand and the lock screen, a selfie of my and Calum under the stars on New Years Eve, displays.

It kills to have to ignore the only person you want to talk to, or even can talk to.

I can't talk to anyone else, no one else knew about us.

I lock my phone, and bury my head into my hands.

"Are you okay?" asks a voice.

I look up, and a boy with perfect, dirty blonde hair, sits down beside me.

"Um yeah." 

"Are you sure? You look... not okay."

"Yeah." I say, getting up, ready to go back to Sydney. I need to talk to Calum, i'm done with this space.

I need to talk to him.

His hand wraps around my arm and he pulls me back down to sit.

"I'm James." he says, flashing a smile with teeth whiter than pearls.

I hesitate before saying my name, knowing that Calum wouldn't approve.

But then I remember why I was crying.

He broke up with me.

"Denna." I finally give.

He looks away and smiles with a twinkle in his eye.

"Beautiful name, beautiful girl."





I blush, and look away, only thinking of the way Calum says I'm beautiful.

I won't believe it again.

"So what's wrong?" he says after a moment of silence.

"I-" I start, but then I remember the way getting attached to Calum hurt.

I'm not getting attached to anyone else.

If you don't get close, it'll hurt less when people leave you.

"Nothing, sorry." 

I stand up, but he slips a piece of paper in my hand.

I look back, and he gives off a little wave.

I smile, and make my way back to my car with the paper in my hand.

Once I sit down, I don't turn the car on, and I leave my phone locked.

I unroll the paper before I do anything.

'Call me. James.' it reads, with a number under it.

Smiling, I unlock my phone, and see 28 texts, all from Calum.

I skip reading them, too focused on calling James.

I dial his number, but don't press call yet.

I sit there, staring at my phone.

'You just met the kid. You can't trust a stranger.' says a voice inside my head.

I know it's right, but not calling him feels so wrong, so I decide to test my chances and press call.

Almost instantly, he picks up.


"H-Hi." I whisper, not knowing what i'm doing.

"Denna? Is that you?"


"Hey, um so, are you okay?"

I lie, "Yeah, yeah."

"Great, um so I wanted to ask you something."

Scared, I reply "What?"

"Will you go on a date with me?"


short but ayyyeeeee

um hey

i just watched the wwa movie

it gave me post-concert depression

during the TIS movie last summer, my mom said "Enjoy this, it's the closest you'll ever get to any of those idiot bands you love."

she was wrong

dont lose hope in seeing your favorites 


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