thirty four

26 2 9

Denna's POV

Calum hasen't talked to me since that night.

It's been a week.

He's been ignoring my calls, and not replying to my texts.

I know he's okay, since his read recipts are on and he's read all my texts.

But i'm not okay.

I can't handle being without him.

I'm such a clingy girlfriend, but I don't care, I just want Calum back.

He's been ignoring me.

He knows i'm trying to talk to him, but he won't reply to me and it's making me go insane.

Is that supposed to be saying something?

It could be saying something.

Is he sick of me?

Please, tell me he isn't sick of me.

School started back up a few days ago, and everytime he sees me in the halls, or in math class, he completely ignores me.

Every time I try to run to him, people push against me too hard, and I lose my sight of him.

The cons of being short.

"Denna?" says a voice, breaking me from my thoughts.

"Hmm?" I ask, shaking my head, and realizing again that I was in the library with Steph.

"You spaced out again." she laughs, while pushing her perfect curly brown hair behind her ears and wrapping it upwards before putting it up and looking over to see that i'm not laughing along. Her arms drop and she looks at me, dead serious, "Are you okay?"

I haven't told her about anything with Calum, so she basically knows nothing about him.

Nathan haden't spilled to anyone that we're friends, and he only knows that we're friends, nothing more. And everyone assumes we still have something against each other, since we practically hated each other a month ago.

And I don't know if I want to tell Steph that we're together.

Belive me, she's my best friend and all, but she just... she just has a massive mouth on her.

"Uh yeah, everythings fine." I lie.

i suck at lying.

She raises her eyebrows at me.

"Are you sure about that?"

I nod and smile, the smile not reaching my eyes.

"Okay then Denna, why did you mumble the name of, none other than, drumroll please" she lamely drumms on the top of her books, recieving a glare from the librarian "Calum while you were tuned out?"

She says Calum with such disgust, I honestly want to reach out and slap her right across the face, but I don't.

Control yourself Denna.

Instead, i focus on how the hell i'm going to get out of this mess without getting caught.

"I did?"

"Mhm." she smirks.

"Oh, thats really weird... I was thinking about science homework."

"Science? Is that so?"

I nod.

"You don't take science, now shut the hell up and tell me what's up with Calum... I thought you hated him or had beef or something."

I shove my hands in my palms, not seeing a way out of this without her finding out.

"Uh yeah."

She gasps, smiles, and screames "No way! You like him!"

A little more than that Steph.

"Do not!"

"Shut up Dens, you're predictable, Does he know you like him?"


"I don't know, and I don't care."

"I see the way he looks at you Denna, he likes you. Make a move."

I know he likes me.

He's just ignoring me now.


With that, I run out of the library to my car, and before I turn on the ignition, i pull out my phone and dial in Calum's number, and try one last time to get ahold of him.



Rin- "Hello?"

My eyes go wide, and I start to tear up.

"C-Calum? Are you okay?" I mumble out.

"Woah Denna, calm down. i'm fine. I just didn't want to worry you so..."

"And you think that ignoring me is going to help? I've been freaking out all week because..."

I stop myself.

I don't want to tell him I love him just yet.

"Because?" he asks, impatiently.

"Because I care about you."

"Oh." he says, plainly. Simply. Hurt.

"Did I say something wrong? I mean. I care about you and I want you to know that much."

"You didn't say anything wrong."

"Okay, good, so will you stop avoiding me now?" I ask with my last bit of hope.

"Do you even know why i'm avoiding you?" he asks boldly.


He let's out a sigh.

"I don't know either. I just don't want to get any closer to you. I don't want to get too attached."

"Please Calum, i'm already way past attached."

He laughs.

Says nothing.

Just laughs.

"Please Calum, can you come over after school?" or something? I jus want to spend time with you.

"Band practise."

My eyes light up and I know it.

"That's perfect, I love your band. I'll be at Michaels at 3:30, cool?"

He sighs, and I know he doesn't want me to be there, but I don't care.

"I guess."

"Yay!" I say, way too perkily, and hang up.

I put down my phone and sigh.

I need to fix whatever happened between us.


yeah I'm totallllly gonna update more mhm sure

sorry I'm working on so much at once so I'm trying really hard




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