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Denna's POV

Im furious with him.

I can't believe he just actually said that in front of his friends.

I grab him by the wrist, and he makes a weird little noise that I don't have enough time to worry about.

I drag him up the stairs, and as soon as I hit the top, I slam the door shut and whisper angrily "What the hell was that?"

"What was what? I asked a simple question. No need to go crazy about it."

He's playing so innocently.

It's kind of cute.

No Denna, stop thinking like that.

"Go crazy about it? You basically just asked if I stopped caring about my boyfriend."

"So? Did you or not? It was a freaking question."

"Yes you dipshit, I did stop caring. In fact, I never cared."

I look away and start crying.

I never wanted to be a person who would do shitty things for attention and popularity, but honestly, I had no choice.

I didn't do this because I wanted to, I was forced.

I was threatened.

I look at Calum again, and he faces me with a smirk plastered across his face.

"What?" I ask as I drop to the ground and lean myself against a wall, with puffy eyes and my mascara rubbing off into my hands.

He does the same and sits beside me, which makes me feel something inexplainable.

I don't want to be feeling this way.

He looks at me, and I force myself to look away.

With a giggle that I refuse to admit is cute, he says "I wanted you to admit it out loud, just so I know that you don't care. I mean, I knew earlier, but it's just that now I have proof. God, am I even making sense?"

He ruffles his messy hair a bit and laughs.

"God, i'm so stupid."he whispers, probobly just thinking out loud.

"No you're not."

"So then does that mean you know what i'm trying to say?"

I look at him, so confused,

"Ummm... What?"

"It means I-oh just forget I said anything."

He starts getting up, but I pull him back down.

I look him in the eye, and he flinches.

"No no finish. I want to know what you meant to say."

He shakes his head and gives me half a smile.

"It was nothing Denna."

I give him my best pouty face. But he doesn't take the bait.

"C'mon Calum please? I told you the truth, it's only fair if you do too."

His voice raises a bit as he says "No Denna, i'm not telling!"

"Well why not? What are you hiding?"

Our conversation has gotten quite loud, and I bet that the boys downstairs can hear us.

"I'm hiding nothing, you just don't know me or anything about me. There's a difference!"

I quickly think of a way to reply to that, unsure myself of what is happening."Well then let's get to know each other."


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