twenty four

40 2 1

Calum's POV

I hang up the phone, and look around to find my way to the baggage claim, where my parents already were, with all our bags together.

"That was a long call." my mother says, probably hoping phone calls that long would happen more often so she could be sure her son had a life.

I guess I do now, Denna is my life.


"Was it the girl?" my dad asks, with an obvious but still trying-to-be-subtle smirk.

I guess I was blushing, which made it obvious that my answer is yes.

"She seems nice. Are you dating?"

Good question.

Are we dating?

No, we just said 'I like you.'

"No. We aren't."

Both my parents look at me questioningly, but like it go as my dad asks "So can we board the bus to the village now?"

Me and mom both nod, and yes to the little bus carrying us and a few others.

The entire way to the village, I couldn't stop myself from thinking about what it would be like, what everything would be like if me and Denna were dating.

What would her answer be if I asked her to be my girlfriend?

Should I ask her?

What do I have to lose?

Denna's POV

It's two days since the phone call, and I'm being released in a few minutes from the hospital, I'm just waiting for my dad to finish up a bit of paperwork, and I'm terrified for when we're out of here, and he can react to whatever just happened.

Like, properly react, not being forced to hold anything in because of being in public.

I'm horrified.

I wish I had Calum with me.

But he's so far away from me, and I'm trying to distance myself from him.

We both know, every time I try to distance myself, we end up getting closer. Sometimes I forget why I'm trying to stay away when I know we'll just get closer.

I guess I don't want to get hurt.

"Denna." my dad comes in and glares.


"Come on. Lets leave."

He walks out, and lets me change back into my own clothes... again.

When we walk out, he's quiet the entire walk to the car.

But the second the door shuts, his mouth opens.

"What the hell? Why were you in a fight? And passed out that long? Who was it? And why?"

"I was just at Starbucks..."

"And a girl randomly punched you and knocked you out? Are you that weak? And do you think I'm that gullible?"

I try not to cry.

I'm trying so hard not to cry.

Hold it in, don't seem weak.

"She was hitting o-"

I can't mention Calum.

Shit shit shit.

They think Calum was just a fake boyfriend from when I was fake dating Nathan and had to tell the truth to them.

"Hitting on?"

With a big gulp, I close my eyes and say it.

Screw what he thinks.


He looks at me and jerks his head weirdly.

"Who the bloody hell is that?"

No turning back now, I guess I'll have to tell him the truth.

"Calum? Remember the day I brought my fake boyfriend home?"

"That boy? He was so scrawny and awkward."

"Don't call him that." I whimper.

I don't want people giving him shit.

"Or else what?"

Because I can totally threaten my dad back.

"Just- Don't call him that."

Ever since that first interaction with Cal, people being rude or disrespectful to him irritates me so much.

Even though I was a jerk the first time we met.

"Fine. But I don't want you to date him." he says firmly and cockily.




"And since when do you get to decide who I do and don't date?"

"Since I'm your father and you do whatever the hell I tell you to!" he counters, now at a full blown yell that's making people walking in the parking lot stop and stare

"I'm my own person, father."

"Oh yeah?" he glares at me, which I counter with an eye roll as I pull out my phone to text Steph.

He pulls my phone out of my hand and says "Lets see you be your own person without your phone."


I'm sorry it's late but I was in a shit mood yesterday and I didn't want to write. I apologize.


um in other news, school started.



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