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Denna's POV

"He heard all that?" was the first thing Steph said after I explained to her the whole awkward situation with Calum.

"Uh yeah. Sadly. It was so awkward, he looked so hurt, I felt so bad and now he'll be tutoring me. What the hell just happened?"

Im not even sure if what I was saying made sense, but the girls all nodded at me knowingly, and said things like "Maybe he likes you?" "Be careful around that creep!" "Just turn down the tutoring."

All to which I denied.

He could like me, but he thinks Nathan loves me, and would hurt anyone who try's anything.

Oh how I love our little set up.

Steph cleared her throat to cue Nathan to say something flirty, since a few people were looking our way, which made Nathan quickly decide to whisper roughly "If that cunt does anything to try to make a move on my girl, I'll kill him."

I giggle, and the girls wink at me and Nathan.

"Nice line, I think they believed it." Steph whispered to him, the other girls agreeing.

It helps with what we put together, the girls acting like me and Nathan are a match made in heaven or something.

Yes, Nathan is overprotective, which makes everything that spills from his lips sounds flirty, but us, me and him, are just an act.

No need to hear that again, you heard right.

Me and Nathan are just an act.

The gym teacher noticed no lovey coupley drama happening, and suggested we create some.

I don't even know why, but he just threatened both our positions on the varsity football and cheer squad, so we went ahead and created this idea to stir up a bit of drama by acting couply for a while, then pretend breaking up.

And so far, no one doubted us.

I honestly give zero shits about him.

And I never have.

And he feels the same way.

It's just an act.

Steph gently nudged me to snap back into reality with her as Nathan talked to some of his friends.

I mumble "Oh yeah sorry?"

She whispered below her breath, "And what about the thing you kept talking about? Is it him? Calum I mean. Could you use him? I don't think he would mind..."


I forgot about that.

"I-I don't know. I don't know anything yet."

"Well why not?" she asks, getting a bit louder.

I shake my head.

"We aren't close. I cant just ask him. But they're expecting someone. Who should I ask? It can't be Nathan that shows up."

Nathan interrupted, overhearing me and Stephs private conversation.

"What is this thing?"


I drew a blank.

What to tell him?

I'll say anything, but he can't know the truth.

"Nothing." Steph says, smiling widely. (as if that'll help)

He raises his right eyebrow, and whispers "You better tell me after school."

With that, he walks off.

"Im in deep shit, aren't I? First Calum, now this?"

Steph reply's, "Denna, you have to tell him. "

Calum's POV

Despite the fact that Denna is a complete douchebag, I can't help but feel something towards her, I feel sorta tingly and happy in a weird way for a depressed guy, and I never have feelings like that.

It's like I've mutated, or something.

I can't believe that I'll have to tutor the girl that's making me feel this way.

Even though I want to tutor her, she won't. She won't learn, and I won't be able to get her to feel this strange way either.

Im still stumped on what I'm feeling, but I know I'm feeling feelings.

Does that even make sense?

Screw this, I'm not making sense to myself anymore.

Tutoring her while I don't make sense to myself? This will be impossible.

It's safe to say I like her.

It's safe to say I'm going to hate tutoring her.


short chapter because I just wanted to get on with the drama

uh four years of one direction???

I'm so proud of those boys<3

so yeah um I had literally no time in the past two days to write so I was like eh it'll suck but it's something at least.

k bye


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