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Denna's POV

"Uhh Denna?" Calum calls out.

And Nathan heard.

He lets go of me harshly and says, "Was that the voice of that lame faggot we always make fun of?"

"I-I can explain!"

He spits out "Don't bother with it."

He shoves past me and into the family room.

Where my parents also are.

"Shit, I'm screwed now." I say as I run to them all.

"Denna, what is the nonsense? Who's this boy?" my mother asks.

Before I get the chance to open my mouth, Nathan beats me to an explanation, the real one.

"I'm Denna's fake boyfriend..."




"Excuse me?" she goes, "Calum here is Denna's real boyfriend." she turns to me, "C'mon Denna, tell this boy!"

"Denna? What the hell? You're with that retard?" Nathan practically shouts in my face.

I look around the room at all the faces looking at me for an explanation.

"I- Oh my god this is a mess."

I bury my face into my hands and hope for all this to go away when I lift my head again, but it doesn't.

"Denna, do you want me to explain?" Calum suggests.

I know he means well, but that would tick off everyone else in the room.

"No. I should be the one to do this, and I have to confess something to you too."

He looks at me, shocked, but gestures for me to continue and tell the truth.

"Okay well, mom, dad, Nathan is my boyfriend. Not Calum."

Damn it, the truth is hard.

Nathan interrupts me, "Hold up, why did you tell them that it was Calum? And why didn't you tell me all this on the phone?"

He stands up beside me, and I shove him back.

"Shut up Nathan, I'm not done yet."

"Denna, why did you lie to us?" my father asks.

"I'm not done, can you all just calm down? I didn't tell you because you thought my boyfriend was smart and shit."

"Woah um offensive?" Nathan defends.

"And also," I turn to Calum,"Calum, he's not actually my boyfriend either."

Calum's POV

"And also," she turns to face me, and shuts her eyes as she breaks it to me, "Calum, he's not actually my boyfriend either."






"Hold up, what? But you've been dating for like... ever? What do you mean he'snot your boyfriend?"

"It was all the crummy gym teachers fault this mess happened!" I say, gripping a pillow and hugging it tightly for the little bit of comfort that i'm so desperately seeking right now. 

I start crying, so thankfully, Nathan continues on my explanation for me.

"The gym teacher was threatening us. He wanted drama happening to spark up to gossip about the sports teams and the cheer team. He said that he wanted us to pretend to date for a bit and abruptly break up or something. It's always been an act."

My crying slows down, and I rub my eyes lightly, carefully trying not to screw up my eye makeup, but failing to do so.

My mother shakes her head in disbelief, "So who are you actually dating?"

With a voice that currently as shaky as my legs, I faintly reply "No one. Everything's just been an act to satisfy people. I'm sorry."

My father stands up and threatens me,  saying, "You better be sorry! That is not okay! I thought you were supposed to be a perfect child, that's not how an angel child is Denna!"

"I'm not an angel." I shake my head and lower my voice, "You've never treated me like one, blame yourself."

"DENNA!" yells my mother, "GO TO YOUR ROOM!"

I turn towards the two boys, and realize that Nathan had left during that argument.

But Calum stayed.

I try a smile to him, and whisper "You can go if you want. I get it."

He shakes his head and says "What kind of not-friend would I be if I did that?"

Calum's POV

Probably ten minutes after Denna's parents blow up, the both of us sit on a red sofa up in her room.

"What did you mean down there?" I ask her.


"You know... 'you've never treated me like one before, blame yourself'... what was that all about?"

i feel like I know what that means, but I desperately hope i'm wrong. Denna doesn't deserve hateful parents, she's an amazing person who deserves the best.

The saddest thing is that I know i'm not the best.

"Oh, it's nothing major. Don't worry about it."

I raise my eyebrow at her, saying "Are you sure?"

She laughs, and I may not have heard her real laugh before, but I know that one was fake.

"I'm positive. Don't worry, everything is fine."

i've used that oh so many times before Denna.

"Okay now i know that everything you're telling me is a complete lie.What's the real problem?"

She groans, and glares at me jokingly.

But i'm not giving up on that.

"Denna, being cute isn't going to help you."


She laughs a bit, then her eyes go wide at what i just said.

"Uh Cal?"

I slap myself mentally.

"Uh haha hi."

"What did you just say?"

"Oh um nothing." 

My cheeks flush and she laughs a little, blushing.

"Just like you won't give up, neither will I. I'll tell the truth if you tell me."

I think for a minute.

Is it really worth it?

Damn it, it's Denna for crying out loud.

Of course it's worth it.

"I-Um... fine, you first."






okay so guesses on what denna's gonna say?


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