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Calums POV

I walk through the devilish hallways with my head held down.

Fingers point to me, and people snicker and make stupid remarks about lame things about me.

The usual.

I walk up to my locker, 1002, and unlock it.

My locker is conveniently placed a 30 second walk from both the gym, and the cafeteria.

Definition: sweat stink, and cafeteria food stink.

I sulk through the halls and ignore the smell of the disgusting mixture of smells, knowing that it's close to the three weeks of not having to deal with the stink, or the reality of life.

But what makes me sad, is that behind all the stench and all the shitty high school memories, it'll be three weeks without passing Denna in the halls.

I'll be in South Africa for a week, and Denna will be thousands of miles away.

I don't want to leave her.


Why should this be such a big deal to me?

I mean, Im not dating Denna.

I seem to second guess myself too often to be casual anymore.

I let my thoughts take control of my brain, and leave my feet alone to guide me to my first period class, not even remembering what I have.

Chemistry? Health? Gym?

I don't even take gym, why would I have that next?

Whatever is was, it wasn't with Denna.

I'd have to wait until fifth period with Mrs. Arthur to see Denna again.


I make my way to whatever class I had, and get ready for another day of pain.

Denna's POV

"I was just called down here over the PA system?" I say, more as a question to the school secretary.

"Yup, wait over there." she boringly gestures to a dirty little corner of the room with a rusty work bench that looked like it would topple over on it's own weight, nevermind mine.

I stand by the bench for a minute, deciding it wouldn't be a good idea to pull out my phone since I did just get called out of second period, and at this school, if you get caught on your phone during school hours that aren't spare or a free period, you're basically screwed.

To an extent I can't even fathom thinking about.

But why was I even called out of class?

I didn't do anything wrong, did I?

I think back to anything wrong I could still reasonably get busted for doing.

There was the time I snuck out a few weeks ago around midnight to go clubbing with Steph and Nathan.

Or the little bit of whiskey that was diluted into my ginger ale a few days ago.

And the graffiti work on the underground tunnel from last month.

The vice-principal, a man that looked to be around in his 50's with a mustache that's so outdated, he looks like he should be in some vintage boutiques window as a mannequin, stepped outside of a closed off room in a corner that I've never noticed, and walks to the secretary, who points in my direction while looking away.

No one remembered his name, so I made a mental note to not start by saying Mr... and not knowing how to continue.

He gestured silently for me to follow him back to what I assumed to be his office.

He sat down behind a desk in worse condition than the benches outside, and motioned for me to have seat in the matching rotting chair.


"Please, skip the formality, and call me Denna."

I didn't just hate when people addressed me by my last name for the formality.

I hated it for the ridicule that reminds me of one specific night of misery and lying helplessly on my bedroom floor, even worse than normally.

I hated it because it meant who I was related to, and I don't need a reminder.

He smiles at me, and continues.

"Denna, as you know, we have chosen Calum Hood as your math tutor."

I shake my head twice and move my hands in a circular motion as to say 'stating the obvious...'

"Our original plan was to have him commence the tutoring during winter break"

I ponder the thought of spending days of my winter break with Calum.

And what would we be exactly?

Friends, tutor and student, or... a thing?

Sure, we went on a date, but did it really mean anything to him?

Because truth be told, it meant nothing to me.

It wasn't exactly sparks flying, it was just friendly, I guess.

But I can't see him. I can't see me. I can't see us.

"But, he has a plan for a 10 day trip to South Africa, and so the school board would like to take immediate action and begin as early as today to make up for that time. Now, that's simply what we advise, its all up to you further than that."

He smiles, and that's my cue to leave and go back to class.

I walk out of the office and back to my locker, trying to form a coherent thought about how to ask Calum if he wants to hang out today and tutor me, without leading him on.

I glance at the time and realize there's only fifteen minutes to next period, which happens to be spare, so I decide to ditch and go to Starbucks to clear my head and organize my thoughts.

Calum's POV

As the damn science teacher continues on a rant about something that I'm pretty sure no one cares about, I scribble into my notebook to look like I care.

I know all this shit already, so I don't get why I'm sitting here in a room full of practically asleep students pretending to pay attention when the subjects on their mind are probably the farthest from ecosystems that you can get.

I glance at the clock and see how much time until my free period, fifteen minutes.


I sit back and tune out the real world, and decide to get lost in my thoughts about her.

Who else than Denna?

I wonder what she's doing, and what class she's in right now. And if she likes that class. What her favorite subject is. And her opinions on school. And her opinions on literally anything else, because she is all that my mind can stop to give a shit about at this point. It's not like I'm passionate about anything else.

The bell rings before I know it, and I head out to my locker in the hell hall to grab a bit of money and head to the little plaza nearby with the Starbucks in it.

As girly as it seems, I love going there.

And the second I step in, the first thing I hear is...



a new chapter to make Denna extra happy since she'll read this after her Rixton concert tonight ;-)))

um sorry I haven't been updating on time lately, I just haven't been in a good enough mood to write but I'm trying to get back on track now

opinions on this?

I feel like it was all over the place but I just want to get to this genius idea I had before I forget it so yeah


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