thirty six

33 1 0

Calums POV

Six weeks since I've been away

And now you're sayin' everything has changed

And I'm afraid that I might be losing you

Correction. I'm pretty sure I've lost you.

And every night that we spend alone

It kills me thinking of you on your own

And I wish I was back home next to you

Damn that trip to Africa.

I'd rather be in Sydney with Denna.

Oh, everyday

You feel a little bit further away

You may be here, but damn it, your not here.

And I don't know what to say

All our voices join in and create a perfect little harmony for the chorus.

Are we wasting time

Talking on a broken line?

Talking to you when you don't remember me? Why did I try? I knew I would get hurt. And look at me now. I'm hurt. What's the point of a one way conversation? What's the point of any of this? It's just going to end up in heartbreak and I'm already a little broken.

Telling you I haven't seen your face in ages

I feel like we're as close as strangers

We might as well be strangers again.

Won't give up

Even though it hurts so much

Every night I'm losing you in a thousand faces

Now it feels we're as close as strangers

It becomes my turn, and I take a deep breath and the other boys voices disappear.

I look dead into Denna's eyes, and all I see in hers are hurt.

She's crying, and I resist the tears in the verge if falling from seeing her crying.

Late night calls and another text

Is this as good as we're gonna get?

Another timezone taking me away from you

I was there.

You were here.

Even though we're back to being right beside each other, it feels too far.

Living dreams in fluorescent lights

While you and I are running out of time

But you know that I'll always wait for you

Oh, everyday

You feel a little bit further away

And I don't know what to say

Are we wasting time

Talking on a broken line?

Telling you I haven't seen your face in ages

I feel like we're as close as strangers

Are we actually even together? This relationship (if even you can call it that, is just toxic. It won't end well for either of us.

Won't give up

Even though it hurts so much

Every night I'm losing you in a thousand faces

Now it feels we're as close as strangers

Luke sings so deeply, I know that he was showing the affection I wish I could give her.

On the phone

I can tell that you wanna move on

And I shouldn't have kept you from doing so. And I'm sorry.

Through the tears

I can hear that I shouldn't have gone

I shouldn't have gone.

I should have stayed.

Every day gets harder to-

I run out.

I can't take it anymore.

All this stress, all the madness, I can't handle being in the same as Denna when she doesn't care at the same matter.

Or even if she does she'll end up hurting me.

I run up the stairs and out the back door, just like the day three weeks ago.

History repeats itself, and Denna comes out the door and beside me.

I turn slightly away from her, and mumble "What are you doing?"

"I'm just being a supportive girlfriend. Y'know, helping and shit." she replys with, more of a question than an answer.

"Why are you trying to be with me Denna? I mean, we were closer when I was thousands of miles away in Africa, and now that I'm actually here again, we're acting different."

"I don't know why we're acting different, but I just want to be with you. I don't care what version of you it is."

She doesn't get it does she?

She deserves so much better than me.

I don't reply, so she just continues.

"I don't want to see you hurt."

"I'm hurt already, please don't ruin it even further for me." I snap back, not realizing that I sound totally douchey until after.

Damn you Calum.

"What are you saying?" she asks timidly.

"No I didn't mean to sound like I'm breaking up with you I just, I just need space okay?"

Her eyes water, and she runs out.


Then I remember.

Oh my god Calum. You're such an idiot.

That's exactly what you say to a girl when you're breaking up.


'later tonight or tomorrow'

more like two minutes later



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