twenty two

45 3 1

Denna's POV

"Where is Calum?" I ask the nurse beside me, injecting my arm with something sticky and weird that I could feel running through my veins.

Must be some heavy medicine.

She takes the needle out and walks to the other side of the room "He's in A-" she stops dead in her tracks, with an unreadable expression, then continues on as if nothing had happened "He's not here."

I roll my eyes at her weakly, not having the strength to be a total asshole like I want to be, and mentally am.

"No shit. I want him here though."

"I'm sorry, but I can't get him to come."

What an asshole.

She walks out without another word.

As much as I'd hate to admit it, I feel so lonely with just doctors rushing in and out of my room.

Besides, its not like I can tell anyone else to come hang out with me here.

Nathan would be a total jerk, considering the last time him and Calum were anywhere near each other, so if he found out I was here because I was helping him, I can't imagine what he would do.

And I haven't told Steph that me and Cal are cool with each other.

Or that he's more-than-just-cool with me.

Or that I'm trying my hardest not to admit that I am too.

Whatever we are, I need a friend right now.

But then I remember something.

The day me and him had our date type thing, he told me that a week from then he would be going to South Africa.

That was Sunday.

The nurse isn't in my room anymore, so I press the call button on my stretcher/bed/whatever you call this type of hospital thing repeatedly until a nurse flys in, with a cup of coffee in her hand and an ugly shade of red on her lips, asking "What happened? Health okay? Heart beating fine?"

She sees me looking normal (or so I hope) and sighs in relief.

"What's the date today?" I ask, anxiously.

She wipes sweat off her forehead and takes another sip of coffee, her dark red lipstick fading more and more.

"Sweetie, don't press that button so many times unless there's a real emergency. Press it once if you need something that small. It's December 22nd."

"Which is a...?"



Shit shit shit.

He's gone now.

"Okay, thank you." I wave her out.

The moment I see she's out, I break down and start crying.

I don't want to appear weak in front of people.

I know I've been trying to keep my distance from him but damn it, I need someone right now.

I have no one.

I pull out my phone and see missed messages from my mom and dad.


Do they know I'm here?


I press the call button on the side of the hospital bed thing once, cautiously, remembering what just happened with the nurse getting pissed at me and masking it with politeness.

A minute later, the same woman comes in, with reapplied lipstick and a smile faker than the last.

"Thank you for only pressing it once sweetie, how can I help you?"

"Do you have any idea whether my parents know I'm here or not?"

"I believe they know, a man with a little beard and a lady with far too fake hair extensions came in your room while you were passed out, I'm not sure if that was your parents or your boyfriends parents or what."

I don't cringe at the label anymore.

Strangely, the word is growing on me.

I don't want it to.

I want to not be tied down. I want to have freedom to do whatever I want, and not have to worry about who I flirt with. I want to be free and make my own choices.

Having a boyfriend, crosses all that I want out.

But. Calums different than most the douchebags I know.

He's not trying to be appealing. He's not being something that's not him to make girls swoon over him, and I don't think girls do swoon over him.

I guess I'm torn.

For now, we can be nothing.

Calum's POV

The second the plane lands, I pull out my phone with a new international calling card I put in it.

Dialing the number before my head thought through the idea, I hear a soft and delicate voice.

It's her.


"D-Denna?" I whisper.

She recognizes my voices and says something I wouldn't have expected.

"I remember everything now."

"You do?" I ask, hoping she can hear the smile spread across my face.


One thought is still floating in my mind, and I need an answer.

"Why did you defend me? When Sam was trying to... whatever she was. Where were you? And how did you know? And why did you come?"

She curses, and I almost don't hear it.

"I didn't catch that Denna."

"See, the thing is..."


I failed that double update idea but hey it wasn't an update day today so

Next update-Sunday

seriously though, people need to leave Calum alone alone bc this is gone too far, everyone makes mistakes and so many people have made the same one before, but no one dwelled on it like this. just leave it #itsokcalum


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