thirty five

27 1 0

Calums POV

"Man, just fix things with her." suggests Michael lamely while strumming his electric guitar rapidly, "I mean, even if it doesn't work out, at least you'll shut up to us."

"Shut up highlighter head, he clearly doesn't want her anymore." Ashton says with a flick to Michaels bright red hair, causing Michael to pretend to hit Ashton with the neck of his guitar, but stopping because he didn't want to break it.

"How punk-rock of you." Ashton counters, Michael mocking.

They're giving me a headache with all this back and fourth drama.

I just want to not think about her until she shows up.

"Do you even see him? He so wants her! He's just afraid of being hurt. We need to actually help him out here." Luke attempts, trying to calm everyone.

"Shut up Luke." groans Michael.

"Michael!" Ashton exclaims, as if 'shut up' is the worst thing Michael had ever said to Luke.

Even though Ashton himself had just called Michael a highlighter head.

I laugh a little at the irony, but then my head starts to hurt again.

"Yeah Michael. L-A-N-G-U-A-G-E!" Luke adds childishly with his younger sticking out.

"Immature Luke."

"Oh says you."

"I'm perfectly mature Luke."

"Sure Michael, lets go with those lies."

"Okay fine Luke. Cal, Ash, who's more mature?"

Me and Ashton both glare at Michael and point at Luke, making his face light up as he takes the guitar from Michael, and strums a riff onto it.

I just want to have a damn band practice.

Luke keeps playing, and at the end, I look at him in awe.

"What?" he asks me.

"That could be in a song doesn't you think?'

The three of them look at each other, and I can't read any of their faces, but eventually, Ashton breaks away and says, "Yeah."

"Alright." I say as I make my way off the torn up red sofa to my bass guitar resting on a guitar stand covered in ripped up leather placed by Ashton.

"You know Calum, I can't write songs, which means you'll have to come up with some lyrics for that song." Luke says with a smirk, making me know he wants me to write it about Denna.

"Shut up Luke." Ashton says, defending me.

This clearly turned into a battle, because the next thing I know, me and Ashton are on one side of the basement and Luke and Michael on the other.

Each of us with foam swords in our hands and tiaras on our heads.

"SURRENDER CALUM!" Luke says while holding his sword to my head.

He thinks I can't attack him, so I prove him wrong by kicking him right in the crotch.

"TAKE THAT LUCIFER!" Ashon yells for me.

For a brief moment, these dipshits have me forgetting about Denna.

But then, the thoughts come back, as I see her walking down the stairs and remember that she was coming to watch our band practice.

"Hey guys!" she says, her voice shaking as if she's been crying.

I seem to be the only one who notices since the boys dart straight for their instruments as if that whole stupid play fight never happened, and as if Michael didn't have feathers all over him.

I rest my knee on the sofa as I get ready to play.

"So um, what should we start with boys?" I ask, avoiding contact with Denna.

She anxiously sits on the sofa, and I jump up and back to Ashton.

She looks hurt for a moment, but puts a smile back before anyone else got the chance to realize it disappeared at all.

"You wrote a new one didn't you?" Michael asks me, knowing I did, just giving me the brownie points with Denna.

I mentally curse him but keep my cool and nod.


k um I said I would update more often and I'm really trying but there's been a ton of shit happening lately and I can't write in bad moods because this chapter and the next chapter is what happens.

I was just like screw it, i'll write sad chapters because it's better than nothing.

um I'm halfway done the next chapter and update either tonight or tomorrow.

I love you.


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