forty two

24 2 5

Calums POV

I check the retro clock on the table on the other side of the basement impatiently for the millionth time.

"Cal, it's still only been half an hour, you checked the time a minute ago." Ash says calmly, trying to comfort me.

Not working.

"Only? She left twenty minutes ago. She should be here by now."

I pace back and forth across the basement, while the three boys look up at me from the torn up sofa where I had just broken up with her.

"Maybe there was traffic? Or she's just driving slowly since it's dark?" chimes in Luke's overly perky voice, giving me a headache, making me start to rub my temples under distress and collapse onto the brown carpet.

"Shut up Hemmings." Michael says, flicking Luke's quiff and coming to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and letting me cuddle into it, "Listen here Hood," he says sternly and strongly. I know he's about to Cliddordly sass me into feeling better.

"You need to take a minute, sit down, and drink some water. You need to get your mind relaxed before she gets here, and plus, you have a hangover- Don't forget this is the second time today this has happened. She's fine. Everything's fine."

I look at him, and he offers me a half-smile, being kind and I know he's just trying to help me.

I shake my head.

"You're right. Damn it, you're right. Can you get me some water?" I ask weakly.

He nods and runs upstairs in a scurry, leaving it down to Ashton, Luke, and me.

I look at them both, hoping one will say something that'll make me feel better, but both of them realize what I want and can't deliver it, so they look away from me.

Maybe it's just because I'm taking this so seriously.

"Sorry guys, I need to calm down don't I? I'm so sorry. I'm just worried."

"It's fine Cal, I understand." Luke smiles.

Ashton clears his throat.

"WE understand." he glares at Luke.

I giggle a little, and they both exchange a proud look.

Michael comes down the stairs carefully with a clear glass full of water.

He reaches the bottom of the stairs and hands me the glass.

"Thanks." I mumble with my mouth full of water.

He smiles, and suddenly my phone starts to ring.

I go over to the table on the side where the ringing is coming from, look at the phone and take a sip of water.

It reads Dennas number.

I pick it up happily, and swallow.

"Hello? Is this Calum?" asks a voice.

A male voice.

A male voice? Where is Denna?

"Are you James?" is the first thing I can think of.

Michael whispers "Oh god," and the three of them crowd around me.

"James? I don't know who that is, I'm Officer Reynolds."

"Officer?" I gulp, this can't be good.

"Where's Denna?"

She better be safe. She better be 100% okay and this is just some sick cruel joke.

Why would an officer be there?

"I'm sorry to inform you..."

A million thoughts run through my mind with those simple words, but the one that stands out the most is screaming 'DENNA'S PERFECTLY FINE. THIS ISN'T REAL LIFE.'

"No. She's okay right? You have nothing to inform me and this is a disgusting prank right?"

Tears are falling to the ground by now, and my voice is sounding fuzzy, making the boys tap my shoulder asking me what happened and what she's saying.

But it's not her.

"I'm sorry. A drunk driver crashed into her vehicle and I'm sorry to say she didn't make it."

He says it as if he doesn't know she's the one thing holding me together.

I'm broken. She's my glue.

I need my glue.

So I break down.

I fall to the ground and rub my soaking face with my sleeve.

"Calum, what the hell is wrong? Everything's okay right?" Luke screams.

I hand him the phone, and Luke asks into it "Denna, where are you? Cal's going insane."

He presses speakerphone, and the officer speaks instead of Denna, who we all were expecting.

"Dennas car crashed. She passed away. I'm sorry."

"Where the bloody hell is she?" I yell into the phone, all I need is to see her.

She's okay and when I see her, I'll know it.

He says an intersection and before he could finish, the four of us run up the stairs and pack into my car.


so I've had a pretty bad weekend. therefore the emotion in this is hopefully detailed.

denna- you said you like clingy

everyone- I love you


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