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Denna's POV

When Calum said "What about watching a movie?" I assumed he meant at a cinema.

But nope.

He meant putting up a sheet on a pile of tall rocks in his backyard under a mini gazebo, setting up a projector, having a cart full of movie selections, and a picnic of chocolate.

In. His. Backyard.

Yes, it is a weird first date idea, but honestly, I kind of like it.

But I still don't understand how the hell I'm actually going on a date with Calum Hood, I mean, he's a wallflower, i'm a cheerleader, even in my wildest dreams, how is this supposed to work?

I mean, it's not like I want this all to work, but it's also not like I don't.

I'm having trouble trying to figure out what I want.

Honesly, this is just an insane idea, but this date idea, is making me feel... something.

I'm terrified that what I feel might be me falling.

"So what movie do you wanna watch?" he asks me, playing with his hair.

I scan through the cart, suprisingly finding it full of my favorites, and some newer releases of movies I haven't seen yet, but I want to.

"How do you know all my favorites?"

"I don't these are my favorites too."

I smile a little, and pull out The Notebook.

"I probably sound gay or something but I love that movie so much." he confesses awkwardly, but I find it cute.


I don't want to find it cute.

"Do you cry?" I ask, smirking, secretly hoping he'll say yes, which he does.

"Yeah... probably not that manly."

"It's pretty feminine, I mean, I cry a lot too. I'll probably be in a puddle of tears by the end."

He looks up at me, and his eyes sparkle a little.

He bravely looks at me and puts it into the projector "Let's watch it."

Calum's POV

I know I should be looking at Allie and Noah fall in love, but I can't help but fall a little bit myself for my Allie, Denna.

She adorably stuffs her face with chocolate all throughout the movie, laughing at jokes, and smiling at the cheesy love bits, as I secretly hope for a similar love story, just one that doesn't end in such despair.

Somewhere near the end, Denna breaks the movie silence and confesses something to me, and possible to herself too.

"I want a guy like Noah, someone who'll remember what I want after so many years. Someone who won't give up on me, and won't get over me."

I look at her, and she blushes, stopping her mouth from spilling more thoughts, and looks away.

"You're cute." I idioticly state, slapping myself mentally for saying that.

"Ummm thank you? Haha, you're wrong but that's still sweet."

I literally slap her.

"Ow, what was that for?"

"To smack you back to reality, you're flipping gorgeous and adorable so shut up."

She stops talking, looks down at the dark chocolate melting in her hand, and blushes.

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