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Calum's POV

I regret ever agreeing to fake dating Denna.

I regret ever picking up that damn phone call.

I should have just let it ring and wondered who it could be, instead of wondering now what me and Denna could be if she would reply to my damn texts.

147 texts outgoing in the past five days.

All to Denna.

None have been returned.

I don't know why, I thought we agreed to just be friends.

I get she wouldn't want to date me, I mean, I'm me.

I'm just a boring old teenager who's waiting to get the hell out of high school and do something real with their lives.

But she could not be a total douchebag and say a simple 'hello' to me.

Maybe even a smiling emoji?

Something at all?

For the past five days, I haven't gone anywhere, not even the bathroom without my phone by my side with anxiety bubbling inside me.

Not for the normal reasons.

But for a damn character from her.

But I got nothing at all.

Why won't she talk to me at all?

Damn it Denna, can't you see I want you to be mine?

Denna's POV

Calum. God. Damn. Hood.

Every little while, he sends me a cute little text.

On Day 1 of not talking to Calum, all I got was

Hey Dens

Can I call you that?

I guess I should have asked before I went ahead and did it


Wow okay I'm just talking to myself like always

Whatever, bye Dens.

I did read it, but on Day 1, I decided that I don't want to lead him on.

I don't like him.


Oh god if I get any more involved with him, I might.

I can't risk that.

Liking Calum is not an option.

But staying with Nathan also isn't an option.

Not like that was ever real, I decide to shoot a text to Nathan, saying;

Stage a breakup tomorrow?

For which I get an almost instant reply saying;

If we were actually dating, I would have dumped your sorry ass last night.

I take that as a yes?

You got it.

I lock my phone and toss it on my bedroom couch, while falling back onto the linen red sheets on my bed, the neon color now reminding me vaguely of him again.

And the way he sat on the couch, practically hugging the arm, saying he thinks I'm cute.

Stop it Denna, stop thinking these things.

You deserve better than him.

Don't even consider it for a second.

Day 2 of ignoring Calum, I realize why I'm ignoring him anyways.

I don't want to learn his secrets.

I don't want for him to get attached.

I don't want him in particular.

Ooh it's been a night and you don't talk to me? Thanks.

Wow okay that sounded rude sorry

Are you mad at me or something?

I'm not going to stop trying Denna.

A response would be nice js

I laugh silently to myself as I read through the 30ish messages he sent with stupid phrases and nothing really meant behind them.

I oddly find it cute.

I just can't oddly find him cute.

Day 3

Denna, wow, don't be mad, did I do something?

So you know how I have a band?

I asked the guys and they said they want you go come for a rehearsal of ours.

We meet every other day so if you want to come...

It's Saturday. You must be busy. Nevermind.

Any time we have a rehearsal, you can text me and I can give you directions to where we practice.

I honestly thought it was sweet how he asked hi-


I slap myself to come back to reality, and be serious about this.

But I can't help thinking this is a really nice gesture.

Maybe he just means it as friends?

It could be a friendly gesture and I'm totally looking past that.


Day 4

This is seeming impossible, and I know I'm going to crack soon.

How about you say hi instead of ignoring me?



Day 5.


A spam of stupid emojis came in today.


And then he said the cutest thing ever.

Those are what I felt when we were casually hanging out up in your room that day.

Give me chance to explain it all?

And I decided to reply this time.

You have a band rehearsal today right?




and um this chapter?

is it good or no?

idk I thought it was kinda cute but I was still fantasizing over Luke when I wrote it so tell me if if sucks lol


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