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Calum's POV

Denna comes out in the same outfit I carried her in with.

Her black and white tank top still blood covered and dirty from the black marks of the pavement when she fell hard onto it after Sam (I think was her name) pushed her down.

She sees me, and panic is evident on her face.

Is that because of me?


She wouldn't be panicked because of me.

She slowly walks my way. (A/N WALK MY WAY MRS. ALL AMERICAN HAHAHA)

"H-Hey." she whispers.

"Are you okay?"


She looks down, trying to avoid eye contact.

I look at her, raising my eyebrow, knowing she's hiding something.

"Did anything serious happen?"

"I-I- no. Nothing."

She hesitates.

That's enough for me to know that she's lying.

"Tell me the truth Denna. What's wrong?"

Denna's POV

I don't want to tell him about the heart failure.

He would worry and get clingy and I don't want that.

I don't want him to get attached, because I know that'll make me get attached.

I don't want to like him anymore than I already do.

Screw feelings.

I don't want him. I don't want Calum He's not my boyfriend. And he never will be.

I repeat it all over and over again in my head, disgusted that I have to convince myself. But its for the best. I don't want to fall.

"Nothing. I'm fine." I lied.

Everything's wrong Calum.

"I know that thats a lie. How stupid do you think I am?"

Calum, I just don't want you to know.

"I just can't tell you. Sorry."

Please don't make me spell it out for you. Get a hint. Please.

"Denna, you can tell me anything you want , for gods sake, just let me help you."

"Help me? Seriously? I had a damn heart failure!"

I meant to keep it as a thought.

But it spilled.


Now he'll get clingy.

"You what? Is that why you've been so distant? Damn it Denna, you should have told me! Has it happened before? Did they give you medications? Or a prescription drug? Let's get you to the pharmacy hurry! Wait no, take your time, wouldn't want you to get another one!"

I laugh so hard at his little freak out, not expecting that.

My laughing turns into coughing, and within seconds, I'm collapsed on the ground, in a fit of coughs, unable to breath.

Calums eyes go wide and he drops to the ground beside me, shaking my arm.

My vision gets a little fuzzy.

"Denna? Denna? What just happened?"

He gets up, calls a nurse, and rushes her over to me.

The rest is another blur.

Calum's POV

"Is she okay?" I ask the nurse coming out of Denna's hospital room.

"We're hoping she is, she fainted a few minutes ago."

"What? No. You don't understand. This is my girlfriend we're talking about, and she has to be alright."

"I'm sorry bu-"

I cut her off, needing to rant to someone.

I bury my face into my hands and continue.

"Okay, so she isn't my girlfriend yet, but I want to ask her out, and a hospital-"

I look up, but the nurse is walking down the hallway.

"Rude ass medical graduates." I mumble as I pull out my phone and dial Ashton's number.

I just seriously need to talk to someone.

"Hello?" he says on the fourth ring.



Various hey's or hi's are heard from the background, and I can figure out which are Michaels and which are Lukes.

"So how's Denna doing?" Ashton asks.

I try to tell them that she fainted, but Luke interrupts by yelling "ARE YOU GONNA COME TO A BAND PRACTICE FOR ONCE?"

"Well excuse me that my not girlfriend fainted while being released from the bloody hospital for a heart failure caused by heavy impact onto cement by a girl who was hitting on me."

My quiet voice had turned into a harsh yell, and looking around, I realized that various hospital workers were looking up from whatever the hell they were doing, with eyes intently on me, as if I'm mental or something.


I'm practically sobbing at this point.

"It's too much for me to handle. Everything is just falling apart, just when I thought Denna could fix me, I mean, we had that amazing date last week. And I just-"

"Don't get pissed over a girl, you're a catch, and girls should see that much." Michael states, being too damn optimistic for me to think straight, so I just hang up.

I look around the hall, seeing some people hurt, which makes me feel hurt, mentally, not physically.

Although, I guess being mentally screwed up is the same.

I also see happy faces of kids.

It disgusts me.

Nothing's helping me.

I can't help feeling so pissed.

This is all my fault, Denna wouldn't have been in the hospital in the first place if it wasn't for me going to Starbucks, then the girl wouldn't have hit on me, and she wouldn't need to step in to defend me.

It's all my fault.

I'm such a failure.

I need to do something.

I look around the hall again, trying to find anything sharp.

Right at that moment, a nurse happens to drop a tube of some medication.

A glass tube to be exact.

Pieces shatter all around the floor near me, and she rushes to pick it up.

A little piece happens to land right beside my chair.




what did I just..?


okay then.


hey guys!

I hope that ending wasn't triggering or anything because you are all lovely people and you don't deserve pain, so don't bring it upon yourself:-(

I love you all


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