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Calum's POV

6 more school days until winter break.

6 more days of enduring the pain of Denna and the rest of the cheer squad walk past me in the halls and shove me into the lockers like I'm nothing.

6 more days of staring at her, weirdly trying to figure out why the hell I feel this way, from my seat in the back of math class every fifth period.

And the bell rings, announcing sixth period.

I get up slowly, and wait to leave the classroom last.

But Mrs. Arthur holds me back.

"Calum, could you stay a moment so I could have a word with you?"

"Sure. What happened?"

"Your grades are simply astonishing. And we've noticed, as a teacher council, that some select students have been having difficulties in my class."

I feel honored that I'm not the lame person which shitty grades.

Honestly, I just want to graduate and get the hell out of this school already, and be a guitarist with a diploma for architecture as a backup plan.

Unfortunately, that means surviving another year and a half of this hell.

"That's... interesting..?" I reply, not knowing why she's telling me this.

"Well Mr. Hood,"

Mr. Hood?

What even?

"On behalf of all the teachers here, we would like to request tutoring for those select students, and we were hoping you could be the private tutor for one of them?"

I ponder it over quickly, I mean, I have tons of free time, I just always spend it either locked up in my room, hiding from my over caring parents, or with the boys.

The boys would understand.


The aging lady with graying hair smiles at me happily.

"Thank you. The student will be chosen in the fairest possible way, within the next few days, and more information will be given once the student has been chosen."

I nod my head, and leave the classroom without another word.

I start making my way to my locker to put away my books and grab my lunch money.

But as a turn the corner closest to my locker, I see her again, alone.

Not completely alone, who's that beside her?

She looks like she's crying, and protesting "But I don't need a tutor, my grades can improve on their own!"

Wait a minute.


The other face turns visible.

Its Mrs. Arthur.

"He has agreed to it."

She's talking about me, isn't she?

"Him out of all people? Why can't you chose someone for me that I actually get along with? What about Nathan? He's good at math!"

Isn't Nathan the name of that jock that approached me yesterday?

"We can't have your boyfriend tutoring you, besides, he's already too busy with football and basketball."

So she has a boyfriend.

And it's that irritating jock.


She groans more and more in protest, but Mrs. Arthur doesn't give in.

"Im sorry, but Calum will be tutoring you, and that's final. It's almost Christmas break, and you can study with him during your free time."

"Spend time with a loser like that? I'd rather die."


So that's how you feel.

Death is not something to joke about.

"Im sorry Denna, but this is final."

And with that, she storms off.

"God. I hate my life!" shouts Denna at the no one there.

I think she's about to make her way down to the cafeteria, so I ready myself to jump out, quickly mentally debating between pretending I didn't just hear that, or confronting her.

But then, she pulls out her phone, and dials in a number.

So I hide again.

"Hey Steph, guess what?"

She pauses to listen to the voice on the other end of the line, who I assume is another cheerleader.

"Im getting a tutor for my shitty math grades."

"Yeah, I know who it is.

She says, pacing across the empty hall, while everyone else is in the cafeteria, or elsewhere.

"No, he's so not hot"

Thanks for that.

"It's Calum Hood."

But she says it in such disgust, it makes me disgust myself even further.

"You know, that loner who never hangs out with anyone? He's always sitting on the floor, in the back corner of the cafeteria."

I completely understand how no one acknowledges my existence.

"You need to pay attention to those losers"


"Yeah. I know. Okay I'm gonna come to the cafeteria now, save me a seat. Bye."

She starts making her way toward the other end of the hallway, but I slip out of my hiding spot and clear my throat, loud enough for her to hear.

"Hey Denna."

She turns towards me, and gasps a bit, then acts like she doesn't care.

"Uh hi, Calum right?"

I fold my arms.

"Don't you mean loser?"

She literally facepalms.

"You heard all that didn't you?"


woah there bro no one calls Calum freaking Hood a loser tisk tisk Denna not impressed.




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