A big mess

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Copyright ©2018 Shadowheart1000. All right reserved by me and only me. No part can be reproduced, distributed, reused in any forms by all means, unless a written permission is handed over by the author, Shadowheart1000. My work will only be distributed in one language and that's English, so no request will be approved of for translation. Any sign of copyright infringement will be punished by law.

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Charlotte's POV

Standing in the middle of the room with my arms crossed against my chest, my eyes narrowing at the man dressed in a white coat. My heart pumping fast from nervousness but I hid it with a firm look on my face. The room was surrounded by officers from the national guard and many scientists sat quietly in the room, observing the situation that's about to happen.

"But that's impossible, we've spent more than a decade trying to build these type of machines." Professor Ritter said in astonishment, walking in circles around our machine.

I observed it with so much pride at my and my colleague's work. It was a chair silvery colored, heavy and strong, made of titanium. Underneath the two handles, lay two small electrical devices, connected to a large tube beside the chair, filled with a carbonic liquid.

Underneath the chair, lay a magnetic depending machine, wires extended from it, connecting to the helmet above the chair.

On the back of the chair, button were made for control. It took four years, four years of emotional and mental suffering but here we are.

I watched as professor's old wrinkled face frowned softly. He examined the wires, the machine, the devices and adjusted his glasses.

I took my time to think and choose my words carefully before speaking. "I assure you sir, We've spent as much time and dedication to make this work. This machine was specifically built to absorb high energy from whatever source it could find; electrically or magnetically. Absorbing any negative charges it could find."

I paused and cleared my throat. "If it reached a power similar of lightening, the chair uses it to do it's chemical function, using the carbonic liquid. All of our past experiments have been a failure due to the chair exploding and disappearing in thin air but now, we can travel." I finished as professor ruffled his own grayish hair in frustration.

He looked up at me and I noticed how his eyes slowly but surely fill up with hope. It made me feel excited.

"We can make sure that many wars, crucial deaths will no longer exist in our past or our current lives anymore." Olivia, my work partner and my friend, stood behind me.

Her words backing me up as we stood in the middle of the cold secretive lab underneath an old deserted house. In this room stood the most ruthless officers and the brightest scientists but the brightest mind of us all is professor Ritter.

Professor glanced at the machine and shook his head in denial, still not believing in our work. "And how are you so sure? Have you tested it?" He asked, looking straight at me while raising his left eyebrow.

I looked down, away from his glaring eyes, feeling ashamed. He knows me very well and I know the rules very well: you cannot test anything until professor's approval.

It was a rule he gave me ever since I was a teen but I broke it; Olivia and I tested it ourselves and went back into the year 2016. "Yes, sir. I tested it myself." I answered honestly and very quietly, hoping he wouldn't hear me.

Charlotte's Time Machine [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now