Charlotte knows what?

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''Hey, what are you doing still awake?'' Charlotte's voice startled me as she asked, walking through the door with her pajamas on and closing it behind her. I was in the library, reading another book that I was intrigued with.

Charlotte came closer and sat down in the chair next to me, looking down at the book I had on the table. ''It's 3 am. Couldn't sleep?'' She questioned me with a tired smile and a palm against her cheek as her elbow rested on the table. She was clearly just woken up.

I smiled back at her adorable face as her eyes struggled to remain open. ''No, I actually woke up from a dream. Well, it was more of a nightmare and I couldn't sleep afterwards.''

''What was it about?'' She opened her eyes frowning and seemed alerted as I confessed my reason of being awake.

''It was strange.'' I paused as I took awhile to try and remember what happened. ''It was like a memory at first. I was back to being pregnant and I was in my room with the midwife and my mother. I was giving birth but there was no stress or pain like the reality, it was just me and Zoe.''

I smiled to myself at the memory, remembering her first cry. ''She was so beautiful and fragile. I didn't know how to hold her at first and what to do. Although, everything came smoothly later and it was such a beautiful moment but then, everything shifted..''

I felt a shiver in my body and lump in my throat. Charlotte sensed my struggle and put her hand on top of mine, on the table in comfort.

''I was alone and the room got darker. Everyone else disappeared except for me and Zoe. A man came, Zoe's father and he took her from me. He was aggressive and he was saying mean things to her as she was crying. Calling her horrible name. I couldn't do anything and I couldn't move for some reason; I was chained to the bed.''

I took a deep breath as I recalled the dream. ''Then he started choking her. I was screaming at him to stop and begging him but he wouldn't listen until.... I couldn't hear her cry anymore.''

I wiped a stray tear away and looked down at the book. Charlotte rubbed my back in a soothing manner. ''Then he came to me but I woke up before he did anything.''

I looked up at Charlotte who pulled me closer to her and planted a soft kiss on my forehead. I sighed, relaxing at the touch. She pulled away and gave me an encouraging smile, that I immediately returned.

"So yeah," I continued and looked away. "That's why I'm here, reading to take my mind off what I dreamed about.''

"And honestly, it's better than watching a movie.'' I added jokingly while Charlotte gasped in shock, slapping my arm playfully.

''Don't you dare insult the second best thing, that happened in the past two centuries.'' She pointed her finger towards my face, hiding a giggle by faking a serious expression.

''What's the first?'' I asked amusingly and narrowing my eyes at her.

''Same-sex marriages.'' She said proudly with a massive grin and I laughed. I should've guessed it.

''Is that your way of proposing?'' I teased her, seeing how a blush surfaced from her cheeks.

''Of course not.'' She looked down at the table, smiling to herself with her rosy cheeks. ''If I do propose, it would dramatic. Candles and shit.'' She looked up and grinned victoriously as if she just made the best proposal idea in the world. I huffed and narrowed my eyes.

''Romantic, you mean?'' I questioned, interested of how she would explain that.

''No no no, romantic and dramatic. I might bring fireworks.'' She suggested, dreaming to herself  while I gasped in shock. 

Charlotte's Time Machine [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now