New job

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''Everyday you must wake up with the bell before sunrise. You will hear them when the night guards ring them outside the castle.'' I followed Ana as she explained the rules to me. We were walking down a long hall while I was carrying my bag of clothes.

''They'll ring them three times only, no more so the royalties won't be disturbed.'' She added, while looking back at me and smiling cheekily. Typical Morrisey. ''We have a pattern with every bell ring. One ring means the royalties arrived from a trip. Two means guests have arrived. Three is for the servants and maids as I told you. Four means....'' She stopped walking and paused before turning around. She gave me a serious look with no smiles or grins. ''Four means the castle is in danger.'' 

I nodded my head slowly as she went back to smiling as if she did not just reveal something creepy. ''Anyways,'' Clearing her throat, she went back to the tour. I'm gonna have to keep that in mind.

Veronica was going to show me around, from what James, said but clearly he was wrong. Ana says she went to check the new horse stable they're building outside and clearly preparing the ballroom for the wedding. 

I honestly wonder how is Ana giving me a tour? How did she convince Veronica to give me one? I thought they hated each other. Unless Veronica was desperate of course and had no one to show me around other than Ana. That's probably the only reason.

I thought back at Veronica not being able to welcome me and prepare for her wedding.... Her wedding is close. It's in 6 days actually. What will happen after her wedding? I know she won't be leaving the castle because she's the next in heir and Alfred will be beside her as the new king. That's when king Henry steps down or dies of course. 

Although, what will happen to us? Whatever that is between us. Is there even an us to began with? Will she push me away again after the wedding? So many questions and all the answers are with her.

''Hey fool, don't get carried away.'' Ana snapped her finger at me and I looked back at her blue eyes. They really are the bluest I've ever seen. ''Pay attention.'' She smiled at me and I hastily nodded my head, trying not to get lost in her eyes. She really is beautiful.

''Since you will be her personal maid, you're going to be by her all the time unless she gives you a break." We took a turn and I almost bumped into a vase but managed to avoid it. Ana's feet were quicker than mine due to the weight I'm carrying. "Your job is very simple; you take care of the princess full time. You clean and organize her room. Help her bath and get dressed, bring her food to the table, walk beside her everyday, listening to her orders and doing them without hesitation." We walked up the stairs with me struggling a little but Ana didn't care. She didn't even notice that I was practically out of breath while she gracefully walked.

"Before, me and the maids used to randomly do the work but now, you're here so you'll be doing those things." She stopped in front of Veronica's bedroom and pointed at the door next to it. "Your room will be here, beside the princess and you'll accommodate her wherever she goes. She does many things on a scheduled routine which you will learn with time." she opened the door to my supposed room, gesturing for me to enter.

I dropped my bag and cracked my back as soon as I entered. I don't even know why I even bothered to bring my clothes with me but oh well. Who knows when I might need them.

I took the time to look around the room as Ana stood beside me, smiling in amusement at the gaze I had on my face. "What is that?" I pointed towards the bed that rested in the middle of the room. Ana tilted her, examining it while trying to hold her laughter in. I can just see her, biting her tongue to stop herself from bursting out laughing. "It's your bed." Her voice squeaked as I glared at her.

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