duel and a royal dinner

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I had my back pinned against the wall as I stood motionless in front of the goddess herself. I couldn't quite see her expression in the dark but I knew her eyes were wondering my face. I knew she wasn't happy and I knew she was mad. It's like her only mood honestly; just pissed at me all the fucking time. I gulped loudly as I felt something poking my neck. This seriously can't be happening right now. "Give me one reason why I shouldn't slit your neck open?" She pushed on the knife, hard in to my neck and I shut my eyes tightly as it did hurt. Her hot breath was so close to my ear and I was terrified beyond the least. The one girl that I had interest in was not only from the past, but also hated my guts and wanted to kill me. I couldn't open my eyelids as I waited for her next move.

My ears tinged as I heard the knife drop, I flinched from the sound. I froze in place as I didn't feel the pressure on my neck anymore. I felt a pair of hands caressing my red pained cheeks so softly this time. I reluctantly opened my eyes to stare back at veronica's tearful eyes. She looked sad this time, no longer angered but more heartbroken. A tear fell and slipped down her cheek and I couldn't understand why is she crying. My heart beat fastened as I felt sick to the stomach to see her in pain.

"Why are you so afraid of me?" She asked, with sadness and regret in her voice. It's so different from what I'm used to. "I..." I wanted to say something but I couldn't; my mind couldn't function properly. I lifted my hand and wiped a tear away. Her body was pressed against mine and I realized how close we were. Her hot breath was touching my face and her soft cries were like screams in this distance. Without thinking, I leaned my head and pressed my lips urgently against hers. Without a second passing, she kissed me back with so much intimacy.

12 hours ago,

It's been a long unending day and all the power in me is fully drained. Sweat was dripping from my forehead into my eyes and covering my entire body. My clothes were soaked. How is possible for it to be so hot during the day, yet so cold at night?

James and I have spent the entire morning helping his grandfather take care of his farm. What I learned is that growing crops is really hard in these lands; since there aren't many. There was a lot of animals though that needed to be taken care of; cows, sheeps, chicken and horses. It wasn't nice.

For an entire week, james and I have been coming here every morning to help his grandfather, who's name is hector, to take care of his farm. His wife passed away last year and his only son, who is James's father, died in a war a long time ago. Both of James and hector took time to teach me the duties I needed to fulfil everyday. It's wasn't easy but It wasn't impossible either.

During this week, I managed to contact Olivia twice and all I got was bad news; in the first call she said that the machine is no where nearing fixed and I probably should stay a little longer in here, longer than two weeks.

The second call, she said that she may have to tell professor ritter since she can't lie any longer and she also needs a hand to repair the machine. One thing for sure, he'll be mad and that's a conversation I'm not looking forward to.

It's been a week ever since I've seen veronica in the castle's prison and since I told James everything that happened after he left; he laughed at me the entire day. He wouldn't even stop talking about it. Asshole.

I wanted to go to the castle to somehow catch veronica's attention as she light up my curiosity but I've never had the chance to.

Being busy with the farm, getting clothes for myself and trying to copy with the new ways of living here is difficult.

Not to mention the constant paranoia about the possibility of never going back home again, has been taking over my mind during the night.

I asked james about the little girl's name and who her father is? If by chance he had any idea. James told me that the little girl's name is Zoe. He said he has no knowledge of who her father is and where can he be found.

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