A new beginning

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My hands caressed her hair gently, taking a strand off her face to place it behind her ear. I watched, with a heavy heart as she sleeps, dry tears on her cheeks and dark circles under her eyes.

She finally managed to stop crying and fall asleep without being terrified all the time. I know the nightmares would make her wake later during the night, but for once, she was in peace.

"Things will get better with time. I promise, darling." I whispered soothing words, in my daughter's ears, eyeing her with tears in my eyes and an aching in my heart.

How can she have the nerve to touch my daughter, to violate her and make her feel hopeless like that? Thinking about her makes me sick to the stomach and to believe that I actually loved her...I scoffed. I never will.

When I heard the news, I couldn't believe it. I didn't want to believe the person I am falling in love with wants to hurt the one I love most. Someone from my flesh and blood, someone so young and innocent. What for? I don't know.

Have I not treated her well? I sure haven't at first but then I gave her a place to stay and to work. I gave her money, food and allowed her to speak to me whatever she liked. I allowed her in, in my personal space and gave her freedom. I gave her my heart and in return, I get lies and a traumatized daughter who I am afraid won't be the same ever again.

I loathed her now and want to see her dead tomorrow. I want her out of mine and my daughter's life.

You don't mean that. I mean it with every bone in me.

She didn't do it and you know it. How can I? She lied to me before and she'll lie again.

My guards witnessed her as she was suffocating my daughter. Words lie but the eyes don't. I trust the guards with my life and I believe every word they said.

It doesn't help that Charlotte was there, with my daughter alone and nobody was with them. And whenever I mention her name to Zoe, my girl would burst into tears and start shaking. I remember it clearly.

I walked away from Charlotte, hearing her begging me to listen and to stop. Although, I was too ashamed to do so. I was in love with the person who planned on killing my daughter. What am I going to do?

I don't want her to die. Charlotte can't die, my love can't. She is the only person that makes me feel things out of this world. The only person, that even though was still intimidated by me, will raise her tone and voice her opinion. The only person would look at me with admiration whenever I was eating or when she's helping me dress. She was strange, a good type of strange.

I rushed upstairs, wiping the tears in my cheeks and ignoring the painful twists in my stomach. I know that my father would never go back with his decision and I will most likely lose Charlotte soon.

However, there is someone that I know will never lie to me and that's my daughter. She is the only person I can count on her words full heartedly. I taught her to be true to herself and to me. Honesty is one of the greatest morals that she has, better than any adult I know.

I entered her bedroom, watching her cuddling her pillow to her chest and eyes were shutting close to reopen again. She was tired and wanted to sleep but she would never do that unless I was by her side. I told her to wait for me and clearly she did.

"Darling," I sat beside her on the mattress as she jumped up from the bed and into my arms. Her face was buried in my neck as I held her tightly against me as she whimpered. She was always afraid whenever I choose to leave the room.

However, I wanted to speak to her so I pulled away and made her look at me in the eyes. "Zoe, there is something important I have to speak to you about." She frowned at me, her eyes narrowed but she nodded her head nonetheless. She's a strong girl on the inside but even the strongest can become weak sometimes.

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