An apology trip with a chihuahua

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I stopped the car at a near parking spot to the place I wanted to go. I turned off the engine with a press of a button and looked up at the sign. Animal dog welfare center.

I smiled as I hopped out of the car and locked it before going inside the small place.

I glanced at the yellow and pink walls, portraits of animals hanging up and some plant decorations in every corners. A grey couch was on my right and a cashier on my left. Animal supplies straight ahead, arranged in isles. No animals in sight here.

It looked homey and old school.

The animals must be at the back somewhere; I could hear the noises before spotting the owner I called. He looked up as the front door opened and grinned happily at me.

"Ms Harvey, it is a pleasure to meet you in person." He walked up at me and shook my hand. He was short, with a little belly. A receding hairline and a thick mustache. He looked older than me and seemed to have a kind character. "I have seen you in the news and I want to thank you for your contribution to this country and the world."

Feeling flattered and slightly embarrassed, I wasn't used to people complimenting me or my work from before, from during the war. "Thank you. That's really nice of you." I told him as he dropped his hand from mine and grinned at me. His eyes squinted in the process, making him look much older.

"Please, you can go in. Choose whoever you like." He spoke as he opened the door that lead to the back, while I stood in my spot in confusion.

"Don't I be need to sign up or fill in some documents?" I knew that it couldn't be that simple to adopt an animal. These centers never go easy until they find a suitable home for these dogs.

"Actually we have received documents from a woman named Olivia. She finalized things by your name and gave us all the identifications we needed." The corner of my lips lifted slightly as Olivia has already went ahead of me to finish things for me. She was a great friend and I need to thank her for that.

"There is a little more steps that we should be doing. However, for you Ms Harvey, it would be a pleasure to give you a dog of your liking." Again, I was flattered by his comment as he lead me into the room. ''Of course, we will stop by occasionally during the first couple months to ensure their safety and comfort.'' He added which I nodded my head in agreement.

Inside, I looked at all of the dogs as they sat in huge cages, having a good space to run around and play. I saw a lot of the cages were empty though.

"We do have a wide space at that door in the back." He pointed towards the door as we are heading to it. "We allow them to play there with one another."

He opened the door, allowing me in first before following behind me. I watched as they all ran around, toys were everywhere as some were playfully stealing it from one another. There were different kind of breeds, small and large, I could choose whoever I wanted.

"They're all treated and trained. So, we don't exactly have any mischief around." I saw a couple dogs, puppies from a breed I didn't know, circle around the owner's leg.

He picked one up and rubbed his head. "This is Luke. A golden retriever. He is people's favorite especially now, since he is a pup." I smiled as the dog licked the owner's mustache before sneezing. 

"The other one is his brother, Leonard." He looked down at the little one under his legs, who was busy rubbing his neck around the owner's jeans. 

"Both found trapped in a hole in a construction site. They're safe now and I'm sure someone will adopt them soon. Perhaps, you will." He grinned at me before letting the pup go, who went off to play while his brother followed.

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