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It was still dark outside but you could see the rays of the sun from behind the the forest trees. It was slowly going to rise which meant our day is about to begin. Unfortunately for me, I didn't get any ounce of sleep. It feels like I didn't even bat an eye as my thoughts weren't only running but in better words, screaming in my head.

What the hell did I do? I kissed her and she kissed back but she also slapped me afterwards. None of this made any sense; not my actions not hers. Why did I even think about kissing her and Why did I even do it? No, actually, I didn't think at all. I'm so stupid because now, she will definitely execute me. She will finally have a reason to banish me for good or lock me behind prison's gate for all eternity. All because I'm a harassing bitch.

I sighed heavily. I should apologize except that's a bad idea because she's probably mad and she's probably asleep right now. Or maybe she's just like me; laying in bed and rethinking about what happened as it keep playing in her head and rewinding and playing and rewinding.

I sat up from my bed, frowning confused. There's one thing I don't understand thoughn a question that just popped up in my head; why did she bother confronting me this very late at night? why did she cry when I was cowering in fear from her attacks? I thought she hated me but she was concerned and appeared guilty. It was odd to see after getting used to her hateful glares and her invisible shooting dagger thrown my way. And during dinner she would be ignoring my complete existence but whenever I talked, she would either pause and listen or she would lift her head from her plate to capture a few glances of me. I thought she wasn't interested in me and I thought she was either I hate you to the fucking core or I don't know who you are so fuck off but that was before the dinner.

Do I like her and does she like me?.......That's impossible; I don't know anything about her and she doesn't know anything about me. It wouldn't make sense at all. Although for some reason, she told me how locked up she felt in her own home. How longing she felt for freedom and a sense of control for once in her life. How she feels alone most of the time even with the loving people around her.

Maybe that's why she's being so cold towards me; because she's afraid, aghast that I would say something about it to her parents. Ughhh, this is so confusing!! My mind is going crazy!! Her actions are incoherent and deceiving; she's manipulating me into thinking she likes me. That's for sure. That explains it all. She wants revenge from lying to her and now, she's probably getting it becuase I like her! Oh, Fuck.

"Helloooo?" A loud repeated knocks came from the door and I inappropriately sat up. It was James's annoying voice. "You up? I'm coming in. If you're naked, I'm sorry in advance." The doorknob twisted and the door slightly opened. His face appeared from the door and as our eyes locked, he gave me a cheeky unsettling smile. He pushed the door wide open and stepped in.

I yawned, unfortunate to feel the tiredness now as he happily skipped his feet to the edge of my bed. "Good morning sunshine. How's your night?" He practically yelled in my ear and I frowned at his unnecessary excitement during the early morning. He probably had a great night unlike mine which was confusing, scary and overwhelming as my encounter with veronica was creepy enough.

James sat on my bed, laying his back down, right under my feet. I sighed heavily and wore a fake gentle smile on my face. "It was good. It felt nice to sleep on a bed after awhile." He didn't seem to notice my masquerade and returned the smile with his genuine sweet one. I ignored the heavy feeling in my chest and climbed off the bed, stretching my back as I heard James giggle like a happy school girl.

I frowned my eyebrows even more confused at his dreamy looking eyes and how creepy his soft smile is. With the annoying happy noises leaving his rosy lips, I felt disturbed to say the least. "What are you giggling about?" I asked very straightforward, not caring about how James's face became red instantly. He waved his hand dismissing me, obviously not wanting to answer my question.

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