Chapter 3 - For Goodness Sake'

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"I get food now and you eat all, Mr Norman. Or I call the mother!"  Mrs Satuko threatened over her shoulder as she left us kids alone once more.

Norman rolled his eyes at her back and stretched his legs out under the table.

"I hope you're hungry cos she usually puts on quite a spread"  He warned.

"Absolutely starving. And you better eat up like she said, because I'm a well-known plate plunderer"  I warn him right back before reaching over to pour his beer.

He reciprocated by pouring my Saké, as is the tradition.

"I always thought Australians yelled and swore a lot?"  He asked, sitting back and taking a long draw on his beer.

"Sorry if I'm turning out to be such a disappointment. It's a shame my friend Tess couldn't make it here as she would've given you a right old floorshow. Though I can still try if you'd like?"  I reply tartly.

"No, don't change a thing! I like you just the way you...."

He stopped suddenly, almost embarrassed at what he....almost said? I felt a ripple of pleasure run through me as I sipped from my tiny cup.

I think it's pleasure?

To be honest, I don't know what on earth I'm feeling anymore. And it's been like that since the second I stepped into the dining room and looked up at him.

My initial thought was....Oh bloody hell I can't even remember!  Because the very next one that popped into my head was....

'I wonder what he looks like under his Yukata?'.  And it kinda trumped everything else.

Think I might've let out a teeny squeak of shock or something? As that was my first formal introduction to the mythical being who Tess fondly calls my 'inner slut'.

She says everybody has one....but I'm just too staid and boring to ever allow mine out to play.

I jumped right back and reminded her. That if  I have one? It'll never get a chance to frolic. Because she never puts hers  back in its box.

I meant it as a gentle dig. Instead, she just preened. Huh, I can never win  🙄

I've managed to go on a few dates, except they've always been excruciatingly painful. Guys that Tess swore would be 'perfect'  for me.


Perfect if I wanted to be the recipient of a glass of beer and maybe a paper cup full of hot chips? Followed by a sloppy, open-mouthed, boozy kiss over half my face. Culminating in an attempted grope at my boobs.


But this guy? No, not a guy.

A man!

And I'm not just attracted to his body and face as Tess would be. His voice is almost hypnotising me and....


"Why did you think I was Japanese?"  I ask quickly, becoming aware my silence has gone on for a bit too long after his comment.

"You sounded just like a local....and from behind you look like one."

"So, you were looking at my behind?"

Oh, for crying out mouth is taking over from my brain! And for once in my life I stop considering what I'm about to say before I speak.

From Tokyo With Love - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now