Chapter 16 - Wash, Rinse....Repeat

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I reach down and tug the wooden bucket from Ollie's hands.

Pour the warm water over my shoulders and chest where it sluices away the soapy suds. Placing it gently back on the floor I wrapped my arms around her again, lifting her up from where she knelt.

Her fingers walked their way around my shoulders as her lips came down on mine. Hungry and greedy, as if my mouth is a soft serve ice cream and she's a four-year-old being given a treat before dinner.

That silky hair escaped the topknot. Slithers around as I lower her onto the small stool I'd just vacated.

Finally....I get to run my hands over the honeyed skin that I've been dreaming of for the last week and a half.

Kneeling as Ollie had done, I tilt her head back and let the water run down her hair. Watching in fascination as some streams across her chest, creating little rivulets over her breasts.

I want to lick them as they drip off her hard nips....

I want to dip my tongue in the pools created by the hollows of her collarbones....

I want to nibble her parted lips, now flushed and plump from kisses. Lust....

I want to do absolutely everything to every single fucking inch of her!

Both hands soap and rinse her head. My eyes remain front and centre because I need  to see the expressions passing over her face.

Pulling her closer I squeeze the water from her hair, before securing it again with the tie. Keeping us nose to nose, the soapy washcloth skims her shoulder blades and spine. Then over the twin globes of her butt cheeks.

Drop the cloth to the floor....cos I don't want anything to come between my skin and hers now.


My voice is raspy as I keep repeating her name against lips which are panting little breaths against mine. She shivered as I raised her arms and my fingers made their way to her sensitive armpits.

Her body bucked and she bit her lips in an attempt to quell her squealing giggles from being tickled. She failed....howled as I teased each with my tongue and laughing mouth.

"Stop....stop....I'm going to wet myself if you don't"  Ollie gasped and hunched over, trying to protect her sensitive areas.

Grasp her nipples and lightly tug them upwards, to make her straighten again. Palms follow quickly to cup her breasts as I start a slow massage. My mouth joins in.

"Think you're gonna be wet no matter what, Little Miss"  I whispered into her lips, watching as her pupils dilated in pleasure.

Slowly, my fingers drift down her tummy. They're sliding now....and not because they're soapy.

Gliding, swirling, pinching and dipping....for long....long minutes. Her eyelids fluttered to a close as her head lolled over to one side. And a long, quivery moan parted her lips.

"Norman....mmmm "  Feeling the shudders rack her body and her breath puffing out in hitches?

I know she's close.

My other hand grasps the back of her neck, raising her head.

"Look at me, Ollie!"

Her eyes popped open at the urgent demand in my voice and my fingers sped up as did her breathing and moans.


Ollie's scream was almost breathless as her chest thrust itself out and her thighs clasped tight around my hand. Her eyes widened and glazed over unseeingly. While her body hitched then writhed against mine.

Seeing her like this? Simply letting herself go as I hold her, unselfconscious....and fearless. Jeezus....there will never  be words to describe how it makes me feel.

Throwing my lips back over hers, I felt her little mewls rattle through my mouth as she bucked a few more times against my hand.

Once she calmed I finished soaping her over. Rinsing and stopping frequently to plant my mouth on tempting inches of skin.

"Bath, food....then....bed Ollie?"  I ask lightly, holding my breath and trying to not let the worry show in my face.

Terrified that she might change her mind about wanting to be with me....make love with me.

I want to slap myself around the head for feeling so anxious, needy and vulnerable. The very things that normally turn me off.

Yet here I am, panicking like hell.

"How would you feel about bed, food....bed....bath. Then maybe....some more bed again Norman?"  Her face couldn't hide her own anxiety as teeth gripped her bottom lip.

"Love the way that gorgeous brain of yours works, sweetheart"  I sigh in relief, before patting her dry.

"You hold the towels and robes....while I hold you?"

Thank fuck Minnie is off babysitting again tonight. Otherwise, she would've had the treat of seeing my pale ass run through her garden. With a giggling and naked Ollie clasped in my arms.


I lay her down gently on her futon and cover her body with mine. Cradling her head in my hands as we kiss deeply....our tongues almost tying themselves in knots.

My body is on fire as she wriggles underneath me, spreading her legs so that I can settle between them, nestle against her. Twitching and sliding over her warmth.

I feel if I'm going to burst.

Raising myself above her, I can see Ollie's eyes watching my face. A small smile plays on her lips as her fingertips shakily sweep across my trembling ones.

I opened my mouth to speak but she pressed her forefinger against it to stop me.

"Shush!  I told you don't ever  ask me again. I'm sure. And I've never been as sure in my whole life as I am right now, Norman."

"I'm sure...."

Inching my way into her body, I keep my eyes on her face....looking for any sign that I'm hurting her. She raised her legs and I slide in deeper, as both of us groaned.

"OLLIE!"  I yelled as her hips jolted against mine.

The instinct to move kicked in as she enclosed me fully....and so very tightly.

When she tucked her calves behind my thighs? Well, that was it! Couldn't hold back for one more second.

My hips found their rhythm and she joined in. A little hesitant and out of sync at first....but soon she matched me.

Thrust for hard thrust.

Ollie's hands danced across my chest and down my stomach, to where we're joined. Toying with me briefly before drifting over my butt. Fingers kneading and giving me encouragement as did her mouth.

I let my fingers roam as well when we started to speed up, my thumb rolled over her nubbin every time her hips rose towards mine.

My gasps became ones of sheer delight as her breasts bounced slightly with every plunge I made.

Peered intently at my angel as she whipped her head back, body bucking. Eyes closing and opening as she moaned my name. Along with many yips of 'yes....yessss....Oh God'....

And that was all it took.

Sscreamed again then shuddered against her....positive I was going to die yet I didn't care. Couldn't think of any better way to go.

Just hope Ollie knows CPR, so she can bring me back to life. Then kill me all over again....

....and again....

....and again....

From Tokyo With Love - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now