Chapter 35 - May The Fourth Be With You

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"Turn the light off"  I groan when my eyes squint open.

The sun is blaring through the blinds, lighting up the bedroom. It's eight AM in the morning and I've been asleep for nearly fifteen hours.

Holy wonder I'm busting for a wee!

Climbing out of bed and keeping my knees clamped together I duck-waddle to the loo....groaning in relief once I sit down.

After I got dressed and made the bed I stood in front of the closed bedroom door for what feels like eons. Listening to the faint noises of Norman moving around his home.

It's a fait accompli now!

I'm stuck his house for the next four days. Some of that time is going to have to be spent alone, with him I mean. Just the two of us.

Whilst the little bar fridge is nicely stocked? I simply can't hide in the bedroom forever, huh?

I'll just have to make the best of it and try to act normal. Give it my all. Pretend that the past is past and I'm more than over it.

Try not to drool and stare. Quietly memorise everything about him that I can for the future....a long lonely one now. There's only ever been him....always will be.

Now that I've seen him again? That's one truth I can finally admit to myself.


Deep breath and....action.


"Hey there, sleepy must be hungry?"  Norman looked up at me with a smile as I enter the kitchen.

"Yeah....sorry about that. I was obviously a lot more tired than I thought. And yes....I'm starving."

I smile back a little and let out the breath I've been holding. The next ninety-six or so hours of countdown has just begun.

"Will muesli, toast and fruit do you....or I can whip up an omelette if you like? I don't have any bacon sorry. Being mostly a veg now, I never even thought about it. For when Callum was gonna be staying that is. We can get some from the store?"

He bustled around between the fridge and toaster.


I nod. He remembers that I prefer it over coffee. And I'm amazed he even has any on hand.

"Please don't go to any trouble for me. And I'm a vegetarian as well. Though I do slip up occasionally....and usually on....bacon"  I give a sheepish grin then perch on a stool at the kitchen island.

"Hell, I do it all the time. Can't be helped if I'm somewhere where the menu doesn't suit. I'm not precious about it. But there'll be plenty of food to keep both of us happy tonight."

"You are  gonna be here, Ollie....for tonight that is?"

His voice is casual but I can't help but notice his back and shoulders tensing up. Waiting to hear my response.

"Yes, it looks like you're stuck with me. Do it a dress-up kind of party? Oh, can I help you with that?"  I went to rise but he waved me away.

"Nah, it's all good. Jeezus no....what you have on is fine. I'm really glad you're staying."

He came around the kitchen bench. Placed a steaming cup in front of me and patted my shoulder, as if congratulating me on my decision.

Then he seemed to....sniff the air around us?

"Something wrong? Is your nose giving you grief, Norman?"

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