Chapter 40 - Doofus

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"Pikhoved"  I breathe out.

Yes....I think Norman's ex and I have got a lot in common. Hope I get to meet her soon.... ask her how in the hell she managed to put up with him for so long?

I kept my mouth shut throughout his retelling of events from all those years ago. Events that've kept us apart for so long.

Events that I have to admit....we both  played a big part in creating.

I'd also, surreptitiously....move my hands until they're wedged under my butt. It's the only thing I can think of doing.

To stop myself from giving him a fat lip to match the black eye.

It seems I've become hell-bent on dishing out physical violence in the last few days, huh? you can't get to know a person inside and out in a little under two weeks. Even if you stay with them every single's just an impossibility.

And my faults? Yeah, you bet I have absolute bucket loads.

I'm a bit of a smart ass and my mouth sometimes gets me into a lot of trouble. And then that trouble usually leads to the sudden appearance of my temper.

Mind you, it's a temper that doesn't usually result in me punching someone's lights out. Except for when a Pikhoved is involved.

So, the aftermath of my temper and a lot of other things usually brings on the massive guilt trips. But I don't know if guilt can be considered a fault?

And Norman? His faults?

Being a bit of a will o' the wisp. Spontaneous and making decisions at the drop of a hat without thinking them through? That can be a good thing sometimes.


Sometimes doesn't include Q&A's regarding personal stuff in front of a huge audience. Or posts on Instagram to a few million fans.

Sometimes doesn't include digging his heels in like a stubborn mule. Obstinate, pig-headed....and so fucking male!

She hasn't contacted I won't contact her.

WTF was he thinking?  That was one mutha of a decision and one mutha of a fault!

Oh, Jeez. Get your hand off it, Ollie!

Stop being such a holier-than-thou hypocrite, will you?

"What the fuck did you do that for, Ollie?"  Norman grabbed my hand in shock.

The hand that whipped itself out from under my bum then whacked my face.

"Sorry....sorry. I'm not usually so free and easy with the bitch slaps. Just needed a little reminder is all"  I give him a small sheepish smile.

"Reminder of what, for crying out loud?"

"That I was just like you...."  I whisper.

His hand is now softly stroking the sting away from my cheek. Calloused fingertips get closer to my lips with every downward movement.


Next time you feel like giving yourself a spank? How about you aim for your backside....or your chest....thighs....

Settling down my shaky breathing, I went on.

"I wonder if there's a female version of 'Pikhoved' Because you weren't the only one, Norman. I could've rung Hid myself and got your number. I could've....should've  done it as soon as you left Tokyo....only I didn't."

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