Chapter 22 - Leave Your Money On The Bedside Table

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"Hello, Miss Olivia. You're walking so much better today."

Ushii greeted me in her slightly accented English. While I sat down to remove my shoes and slide my feet into some slippers.

She's around my age and looks like a tiny porcelain doll. Minnie told me she's studying engineering design. Her pride for both daughters shines through every word she speaks about them.

"Thanks, Ushii. Yes, it's pretty much back to normal now"  I reply with a huge smile.

I feel so much happier now I've done my duty and am back at the Ryokan.

To be fair to Hid, he knew he pulled in a huge favour by asking me to come back. And so he didn't tease or take his time faffing about like he normally does. He even turned off his ever-ringing phone for me.

"You're a treasure, my little Kaida. Until we meet again, eh?"  He whispered as he wrapped his arms around me in fond farewell.

I hugged him back just as hard.

It was just before midday by the time his town car dropped me back at the Ryokan and I'm starving.

Mostly for Norman, rather than food.


Slippers on, I pick my way down the path and knock on the wooden panel. The door slid open straight away and I almost fling myself into his arms.

"Kiss me, Doofus!"

The words are out of my mouth before I realise it isn't him standing there.

"If you insist, sugar. But I always thought that they frowned on that sort of thing in public over here"  A rather large, silver-haired lady responded with the deep southern twang of the States.

"Oh....please forgive me! I'm so sorry"  I stammer to her laughing wrinkled face.

Her husband walked up behind her to find out what all the fuss is about.

"You look lost, hon. Anything we can help you with?"  He asked with a smile.

" friend was staying in this room. He must've moved. Please, forgive me for the intrusion"  My face flamed with embarrassment.

"No intrusion at all, sweety. We hope you find them. You come on back and say hello any time you like....kisses are optional."

They both laughed gently as their door slid shut again.

I sprint next door to my room. Has he thrown caution to the wind and moved his stuff into mine while I was gone? The thought brings a huge smile back to my face as I slide my door back.

"Honey, I'm home"  I sing out into the emptiness.

'Ok, he must've gone out for a while'  I thought, sitting down on the tatami mat before lolling against the rolled-up futon.

No bag either. So he must've moved into the only other guest room.

Bummer  😖

Wonder why he did they're all pretty much the same? Maybe the Americans have been before and prefer the room he was in?

I opened my laptop and clean out the bulging email box that's specifically for my business. Definitely time to start hiring some staff methinks?

Then I went on to my personal one. Laughing at a few emails from Tess that came in days ago. I feel a bit guilty that I haven't answered....a bit.

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