Chapter 8 - How Do You Make A Californian Roll?

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Found them both in the kitchen of the Ryokan.

They were halfway through their cooking lesson when I burst through the bags in hand. I take out the item of clothing I've bought for Ollie to wear when she serves dinner. Hold it against my own body. 

The look on Ollie's face this morning when I called her bluff? Was priceless. But the horror on her face now is pure....? I can't help but double over with laughter.

"You head is full of naughty, Mr Norm"  Minnie chastised me, barely holding back her own giggles.

Ollie shook her  head at me in a frenzy....while I solemnly nodded my own back at her.

"Deal's a deal, Ollie"  I remind her, folding up the minuscule waitress costume that doesn't leave much to the imagination.

"Hey, I'm taking pity on you. So you should really be thanking me. It could be a lot worse than this. Now, Minnie? You make sure she keeps up her end of the bargain. See you later in the dining room, Koakuma....I'm famished."

I placed a bag in her quaking hands. Made a show of licking my lips before heading off. Chuckling under my breath when I heard her groan behind me.

The high I'm on feels so fucking incredible!

The last couple of days have been some of the best I've ever spent in Tokyo. Or anywhere really....and in such a long time too. Originally I only planned to stay until tomorrow or Tuesday. That would've been a decent enough break in my journey home.

But I changed my mind and very quickly I might add. However long Ollie is here? I'm gonna be here too.

The longer I spend time with her....well....the longer I want  to spend time with her. Talking to her, listening to her, making her laugh and blush.

I'm having the time of my life.

I'll have to go home eventually....I know that. Got a lot on my plate waiting for me, workwise. Another movie is ramping up. Just waiting for the word then it'll be all hands on deck, pronto.

But until then?

I'm going to take every bit of time my Koakuma is willing to share with me. And give it back to her double.

Had a bit of a nanna nap after my soak in the bath. Need to be alert and at the top of my game tonight. In order to keep staying one step ahead of that little wannabe flirt.

Almost shit myself awake, just before dinner. That's when her voice screeched through the thin wall between our rooms.


Typical bloody Australian, isn't she? Always yelling and swearing a lot  😉🤣


Minnie brought in our drinks just as I settled down and got comfortable on the floor.

Take my phone out of a jacket pocket. Making sure it's at the ready to take some snaps when she comes in.

"Miss Livi getting dressy now. You not tease a lot"  Minnie warned me.

While wagging her finger under my nose like my Mom does, whenever my excitement gets too much.

"Now would I do that, Minnie?"  I pout theatrically....all innocence.

"Did you have a nice afternoon in the kitchen?"

"Miss Livi very excellent student who quick learns. She has good hand and taste....except in evil boy-child she waste time with!"

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