Chapter 14 - Excess Baggage

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"Wait!"  She ordered, diving into her bag that I'd slung over my shoulder.

Ollie grabbed a wad of notes from her purse and motioned for me to carry her over to the altar. I bent over slightly so she could slide the money into a donation box.

The monk who helped us came up. Spotted what she was doing and began bowing his appreciation. I reciprocate with her in my arms.

When Ollie thanked him profusely for his help in Japanese, his face lit up with a huge smile. He wildly waved goodbye to us as I carried her out of the Temple and into the park.

We were almost at the exit gates when I spy another bench about a hundred yards from the path. Stride over and sit on it....with her butt on my lap.

She tried to wiggle her way off, only I held on tight. Still a little afraid of what she might do to my manhood with her one good foot....if she manages to get free.

"Ok, Ollie....let rip. Believe me, you won't be telling me anything that I haven't already hit myself over the head with all night"  I whisper into her hair.

When she tilted her face up to mine? I read the look she gave me, clear as day.

'Wanna bet?'  It growled.

I wait until her eyes leave me again before giving a small smile. Don't want to tempt fate if she sees it.

We sit in silence for a while before I open my mouth and begin to talk. Telling her everything that went through my sorry excuse for a brain last night.

She stayed quiet for a long time after I finished.

"What do you want me to say to you, Norman? Yes, I'm nineteen. But I can't change that fact. It's the age I am, but it's not who  I am. I thought you knew that by now? I'm just....Ollie. I'm angry and I hurt."

Her voice is fierce in its intensity, yet sad....desperately sad.

"And I'm Norman. Twenty-nine going on four years old. I'm a prick because I'm the one who hurt Ollie. I'll give anything to make her not hurt anymore....anything and everything "  I hold her tighter, kissing the top of her head.

" want me to stay angry then?"  Her face turned up again as does an eyebrow.

"I'd rather have an angry Ollie forever than no Ollie at all. I saw your suitcases. Do you think....can I help unpack them sweetheart?"  I hold my breath waiting for her answer.

This is make-or-break time now and I'm scared witless. An eyebrow arched up once more as she gazed back at me.

"Do you really want me to stay, Norman? Or are you just jumping at the opportunity to rummage through my underwear?"

"I don't just want  you to stay....I need  you to stay. Oh, and Ollie...."  I pause, whispering against her ear.

"When I rummage through your panties and bras? I'm gonna make damned sure you're still wearing them. For a little while, anyway."

Her jaw almost hit my chest when it sprung open.

"Ok then....I'd say that's a pretty good reason to unpack."


We got lucky.

Snaffled a cab that'd just dropped a couple of tourists off. Placing her gently on the back seat, I slide in beside her. Wrap an arm around her shoulders.

Five minutes later we pull up outside the Ryokan.

"Miss Livi, what happen?"  Minnie panicked, as I carried Ollie into the entryway and removed our shoes.

From Tokyo With Love - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now