Chapter 33 - Mi Casa....Es Su Casa

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"No need to apologise, slugger. When I saw your fist connect? I guessed you and Norm must be old friends. Just glad you didn't greet me like that!"

Greg pulled her flaming face down and kissed the top of her head.

Her apology to them was humble. Seemed to wipe away the 'lunatic'  label that Scott anointed her with at the beginning.

"So how did you and Greg meet, Ollie?"  He asked as we all sat down at the table.

Thank fuck he didn't ask how she and I became acquainted.

As she spoke I grab the opportunity to simply....look at her. For the first time in ten years.

She'd be twenty-nine by now and has grown into her beauty even more than I thought was possible.

Ollie's hair is a bit shorter and lay around her face in tousled silky folds. With a few highlights catching the light as she moves. Her skin is still the colour of honey and those long lashes feather lavender-blue eyes.

Still no makeup apart from some lip-gloss....she doesn't need it anyways.

Lips....those lips are just as full. And I notice that she still bites the top one slightly. When she's unsure or her nerves take over.

They're a pinkish-red now as she'd bitten them continuously while apologising.

Her body is still slender but not so angular now. Edges filled out a little bit more....curvier....luscious.

Snuck a quick glance at her hands. No rings....but that doesn't mean anything. Wonder if she's still with that guy she moved to London with? 

Must be....he  wouldn't be so stupid as to let her slip through his fingers.

I watch in fascination and longing as her tongue sweeps over her top lip. Licking off the little beads of soda left behind after she sipped from her glass.

Her voice is lower now....almost husky and no longer the slightly higher pitch it was when she was a teen.

'Yes, my Little Miss has well and truly grown up now'  I thought, squirming a fair bit in my seat.

God, Reedus....get a grip man.

'Shit....a good grip is just what I need right now'  I groan inwardly.

I forcibly stop looking at her, so I can get my composure back. As she and the guys start talking shop a bit, I went over what happened in the men's room.

She's right of course. After ten years of not seeing each other and then suddenly....WHAM!  There she is, delivered right to my doorstep.

Well, to go into it all within a couple of minutes after that first meeting? Deffo not a good idea.

She's angry, and has every right to show it. Whereas I'm floating on cloud nine. Emotions, just like I said. Hopefully, over the next few days? Those emotions will settle a bit and we can

'Man....she sure has one hell of a right hook though'  I laugh to myself.


I heard the sharp intake of her breath and look up quickly.

"Ummmm  no, sorry Greg. I really don't think that'll work at all. I'm sure I can find something else, another alternative. But I cannot....will not  stay with...."

Her face has gone paler than pale and she can't finish.

Uh-Oh....Greg must've told her about the 'accommodation'  arrangements.

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