Chapter 21 - Best Laid Plans

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Ollie keeps me in her grasp until my breathing slows. It takes a long time, but she doesn't seem to be in a hurry to go anywhere.

When I finally get my strength back I reach down and lift her up. Lay her body over my shaking one. She placed her head on my chest as if listening to my heartbeat.

It's one that she owns now....completely.

Took me a fair bit longer to get my emotions under any kind of control though.

What Ollie just did? To me, that's one of the most intimate things a woman ever can do for a man. And she took more than just my breath away.

"I love you"  I whisper again, kissing the top of her head as my arms circle her tightly.

Those words seem woefully inadequate to my ears, yet her arms hug me back hard in acknowledgement.

After many long peaceful minutes, Ollie's head jumped when I gave a small chuckle.

"Thank fuck you don't breathe fire, my Kaida....or I'd be a heat bead by now."

"Had I known you like things a bit hotter, Doofus?"  She threatened, gazing up at me with a blissed-out beam.

"I liked things just fine as they were, thank you. Very fine indeed, my Little Miss."

My kisses covered her pert little nose now as she closed her eyes and trilled out happy little hums.


We fell asleep as she laid atop me, like a silken breathing quilt. Caught up on a bit of rest that the both of us gladly sacrificed last night.

When I woke up, I rolled and tucked her into my side. She's laying there now, softly stroking my whiskers.

"It's not fair"  Ollie whispered mournfully.

"Thanks to that bloody swan? I lost all my photos of you....and us."

"You don't need em, baby. I'll give you the real thing anytime....forever"  I smooch her sad mouth until she smiles again.

"Anytime? How do you feel about right now?"  Her question is shyly tentative.

Silly if she ever needs to ask.

"Wish....command? Tell me what you want, Little Miss."

I'm kissing her neck now....the spot that makes her toes curl and eyelids flutter.

"You....hard....inside me. These rooms are supposedly soundproof? Let's scream together and test how good these walls really  are."

I gave her what she asked for....with no hesitation. Then I rang reception and booked another four hours on my card.

Because I just have this feeling that we'll both be wishing and commanding again.

There were no complaints from the neighbours either. So the walls must be pretty fucking awesome!  😏


The next morning, I heard a soft knock before my door opened. Seconds later the futon dipped slightly as she knelt down and pecked me goodbye.

"Hurry back, Little Miss"  I ordered sleepily, wrapping my arms around Ollie until she sprawled on top of me.

"You have to let me go first so I can come back"  Her giggles tickled my lips.

"Off with you then, woman! Leave me here....all on my lonesome. Pining away while you play with the big kids. Go....go...."  I grumbled, pushing her aside and swatting her butt as she stood.

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