Chapter 26 - What A Fool Believes

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Tokyo + six months

"Oh Ollie, ain't you a love then? Now I know why Wednesdays are always busy around here! Everyone's waiting to see what delights you bring in."

Sheila exclaimed loudly in her Cockney accent as she opened the carry tray I bought with me.

Ducking her head into it she took a deep sniff.

"I can't resist....bugger waiting for morning tea!"

She dipped her hand inside and bought out one of the little quiches I made this morning. Proceeded to stuff it in her mouth....groaning with appreciation.

We've become good friends over the last five months. In fact, all the caregivers at the centre had become more than friends to me. Not too sure if it's because I visit Daddy daily?

I've become part of the furniture almost.

Or maybe it's because of the treats I bring in once a week. My way of saying thank you to them for all their hard work.


I don't need to bribe them with food....they're friends regardless  😌


At least, I think that's what Sheila said? As little flakes of pastry puff out from her bulging mouth.

I laugh and shake my head at her. Before leaving the nurse's station and heading off to Dad's room.

"Hey, Ollie. We won't be a sec. Just finishing David's make-up so he can look beeeeyooootiful  for his little girl"  Duncan laughed as he massaged the last dollop of moisturising cream into Dad's dry skin.

"You better hoof it, Duncan. I just left today's cooking with Sheila and...."

"Oh shit, why'd you do that for?  That's like leaving a two-year-old on their own with an open bag of jelly babies. Will you never learn, young lady?"

His hand is flying over Dad's face now. Thirty seconds later he's racing out the door without a backwards glance.

"GET YOUR GREEDY MITTS OUT OF THAT BOX, SHEILA!"  His voice recedes as he runs.


"You're looking mighty fine today, Daddy. It's Ok....I know you're not tarting yourself up for me. Hot date with Mrs Mankowitz for lunch?"  I joke, pulling up the visitor's chair to his bed.

I sit heavily on it. Biting back a small groan of relief as I stretch my legs out in front of me. Squirming around, I find a comfy spot before taking his hand. Placing it under mine on my lap.

He rolled his good eye at me as one side of his mouth went up in a replying grin.

"Teasher"  He whispered back.

Yep, I'm a teaser....and quite a happy one at that.

It's been a long five months since his arrival. And during the first four of them, I must admit I almost lost hope that Dad would ever recover. The daily therapy and exercises didn't seem to be making any headway.

But in the last month? The turnaround is truly amazing.

His face still has the dreadful palsy bought on by the stroke and most of his body remains in a state of paralysis. Even though he can't move the arm and hand I'm holding, he's gotten some of the feeling back.

How do I know?

Because he told me.


From Tokyo With Love - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now