Chapter 15 - Rubber Ducky

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Holy fu....!

My brain and body are exhausted after getting only six hours of sleep or so over the last three days. 

After we chowed down on some Gyoza and Takoyaki, we settled down for a bit of a nap. I could've kissed Norman for suggesting it.

But if I'd done that? Well....  😏

So anyways, there I was. Having the loveliest dream. In which he was slowly licking and nuzzling me with his lips. Down my neck and across my chest....

When he goes and lets out a huge snore right in my ear!

I nearly jump clean out of my skin!

Norman jumped a bit too but didn't wake up. Just snorted and let his grip go from around my waist. Before rolling over to his other side.

My tummy muscles scream with the effort of holding my laughter in. No way I can nod off I'm busting for the loo now.

Well, an hour's nap is better than nothing I suppose?

Standing up I take a tentative step on my foot. Not half as bad as this morning, though still a bit achy. But as Minnie said, the hot water of the bath will help no end.

Limping a bit, I make my way to the small bathroom for some blessed relief.

'Hope the sound of the toilet flushing doesn't wake him'  I thought, stripping down and putting the bathing Yukata on. Relishing the feel of the silky cotton as it wraps around my body.

'Yeah Ollie....but there's something else you want wrapped around you....isn't there?'  I ask myself silently.

"Ooooh, you betcha"  My reflection in the mirror whispers back.

I want to feel his hands, his mouth....every single inch belonging to that big lump of gorgeous idiot.

My head shook back and forth in disbelief again. Just thinking about what'd gone through that silly excuse of a brain of his.

Oh, I've forgiven him....yes. But I didn't let him off easily, believe me!

Eventually though, the contrite look on his face coupled with some ever so humble apologies? Broke through my pissed-off veneer. And my very sore heart.

But I only let Norman kiss me, once I made him promise to talk if anything like that comes up again. Though he also made me  promise. That I won't kick him in the balls or go through with my threat of purchasing a chastity belt.

Silly man, got the wrong end of the stick didn't he? Because I was gonna make him  wear it not me  😉

So, what now Ollie? Where to from here?

Do you start to wind this down? Just like the holiday is winding down. He goes his way, you take a broken heart and go yours.


Or do you continue down the path you're both following? Hurtling down at the speed of light. The path your dream was taking not fifteen minutes ago.

The path where the final destination is totally in each other's hands. But one hundred percent worth the risk....and broken heart anyway?

"Stop asking questions! You know how you feel about him and what you want. And he's already made the same feelings pretty clear to you. So for once in your boring life, Ollie....don't think....!"

I pplace a hair tie on my wrist then turn off the light. Open the bathroom door and walk out into the great unknown.


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