Chapter 11 - Hayfever

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We returned to Hid's warehouse and he proudly gave Norman the grand tour.

While I sat down at the console again. Making some tweaks to the program and taking notes for further refinements. I'll do them once I get back to Australia.

They finished up an hour later and I noticed that Norman has gone a bit quiet. He must've gotten somewhat overwhelmed by Hid's enthusiasm? Can't say I blame him really, as the day has been rather full on.

"I'll contact you once the changes are ready to test. Then we can organise the new installation and training. Your guys can take over from then on?"  I asked Hideo and he nodded.

"Now, Norman? You promised me. Come back again....soon!"

They hugged before Hideo grabbed hold and swung me off my feet....kissing me on the head.

"Kaida? You have much work to do. Call as soon as you get home and let me know your new phone number. Make sure you both enjoy the rest of your holiday."

He waved as his driver whisked us away in his town car. After insisting we use it, as the trains will now be mobbed at this time of day.


"I had a great time today, thanks Ollie"  Norman murmured quietly as we pulled up outside Minnie's.

"You're welcome. I'm really glad you came along....and got to see a little bit of what I do. I hope it wasn't too boring?"

He didn't respond, just shook his head and stared out the window. 

There'd been almost total silence from him the whole way home and I got the distinct feeling it wasn't because of his injuries. Norman seems to have something heavy on his mind, but he isn't willing to share it.

I can't work out what might've happened since lunch. Maybe he received a text or call that has him preoccupied?

"Something smells amazing, Minnie!"  I duck my head into her kitchen on the way to our rooms.

"I make you favourite, Miss Livi. You and Mr Norm will enjoy"  She grinned back.

"Sorry, Minnie....Ollie. I won't be here for dinner. Have some other things I need to do tonight....sorry."

Norman turned and left abruptly without another word. I gave Minnie an apologetic smile and raced to catch up with him.

"Are you Ok?"  I ask just before his door slid shut.

"It's seem somewhat...."  I didn't get a chance to continue as he cut me off.

"Yeah....yeah....all good. Enjoy your dinner. Thanks for today. I'll....I'll see you"  He stammered.

"Thank you  once more for my beautiful present, Norman. I'll treasure...."

Never got to finish....again....because his door closed in my face.

I stood there for a little while in stunned silence. What on earth has happened to make him act like this?

What was a mild concern before is now steadily building.

My steps are slow as I walk to my room and once I get inside? I give myself a stern talking-to.

Stupid girl!

If he wanted to tell you he would've. It's obviously none of your damn business as far as he's concerned. And why should it be?

Just because he kissed you a bit....Ok....a lot? That doesn't mean he has to tell you everything  that's going on with him.

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