Chapter 27 - Pikhoved!

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Tokyo + one year – New York


I swing my head up and stare in disbelief at Helena.


"Pikhoved....pik....oh what is the English. Dickhead!  That's it!"  She spluttered back out at me.

"What the....? Thanks for the sympathy, sweetheart"  I respond, not a little sarcastically.

"Stubbornness doesn't deserve sympathy, Norman. You've got no one else but yourself to blame for this mess you've created."

She looked from me to Mingus who's just completed the full length of the monkey bars.

"Well done, Tarzan"  She called out to him.

We're down at the park. Well bundled up against the freezing March cold while Ming plays on the jungle gym.

I finally told her about Ollie....what happened in Tokyo and since. I've wanted to for a while now, had a feeling she'd already guessed though. Because I usually wear my heart on my sleeve, and Hel knows me only too well.

But after what happened this morning? hand was kinda forced. I'd hoped for a bit of understanding and much-needed advice. But instead, she's angry.

No....not at the fact that I've found someone else and moved on....fallen in love. She's already done that and only wants the same happiness for me.

Nah....she's way pissed at how I dealt with it afterwards. Indignant on Ollie's behalf.

'Yes, you're a stubborn dickhead. You could've easily found out where she lived....written to her. Got those friends of the Japanese man to get her phone number in Australia. So you could call when you didn't hear from her."

"Could've flown down there to see her in person!"  Helena spluttered.

'....planes fly....phones ring....emails get sent....'  I remember sadly.

"But noooo!  You sat around on your ass waiting for her  to call you. Expecting her to do all the hard work and chase after you....because your ego was hurt when she didn't."

"Typical male! Making yourself miserable when there was no contact."

"Now a whole year has passed, and you've finally found out why she didn't....couldn't  call you. And why the hell would she want to? She thinks you left to come back home without a single word....dumped her! That poor girl! "

Awwww, fuck!

She's right....dammit!


When I woke up this morning, I went down to the lobby to get my mail. Grabbed a coffee from the café next to the apartment building.

I was still on a high from last night. My first exhibition in Soho of my artwork and photography. It'd gone down really well and there were an incredible amount of red 'sold'  stickers by the end of the viewing.

Sitting at my usual table in the corner I grabbed the biggest envelope. It'd finally been redirected from my old place in L.A, so has taken a little while to make it to me here in New York.

Gave a smile when I saw the familiar logo....Minnie's Ryokan. Ripping it open, a typed letter fell out.

Mr Norm,

From Tokyo With Love - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now