Chapter 31 - Panicking? Who me? Naaaah!

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"Ok, Ollie. Your flight to Atlanta is all booked and so is the hire car. Here are the details and the address that you need to get to once you land."

"Feller called Greg will be waiting for you....the meeting's at one PM. They've organised accommodation, so all you have to do is be there."

Trey handed me a sheaf of papers as I walked out the door to the waiting cab.

"Oh, and Callum will try and send some background info. But as things understand."

Yeah, I do understand....poor bugger. Callum was so apologetic when he needn't be.

His house burnt down for crying out loud!

Luckily, he and Arianna were out at the time....but still. Such an awful thing to happen! Especially as they've only been living in it a few months. Were still renovating.

"Ummmm, Tess? Maybe Totty better come over, grab all that food and bring it back here. It's not going to be much use to me now"  I give her a spine-crushing hug goodbye.

"Good thinking, hun. I'll do that. Ring me when you get there? I'm mega-pissed. You've only just arrived and now you're off again"  She pouted.

"At least I'm in the same country as you guys again. Take care of yourselves and our babies. Love you. Byeeee! "

I blow them kisses out of the window as we roll off.

It was after eleven PM when I walked into my apartment. Have to be up and at the airport by seven AM the next morning. I'm beyond exhausted now. Going from one country to another in a day and....another state altogether tomorrow.

But I find I'm looking forward to it. Have never been to Georgia, though I've visited many other states in the U.S. Am sure I can find plenty of ways to occupy myself in my downtime.

Even though I'm bone tired, I sort out my suitcases. Trey told me it's going to be hotter than hell down there, so I load up one bag with all my summery things. Including a couple of nicer outfits. Just in case they're expecting me to look a bit more....corporate on the job?

Had a lovely hot shower, jumped into bed and was out like a light.


I was sitting in my window seat on the plane, watching the activity out on the tarmac. When a little voice in the seat next to me piped up....made me jump.

"Hello....hello helloooo!  I've been to Grandma's but now we're going home to Atlanta. Are you going home too?"

She's soooo  darned cute, with her long braids and a smattering of freckles across her nose.

"No, sweety. I have to go to Georgia to do some work and have a little holiday. Maybe you can tell me some good places to visit while I'm down there?"  I reply with a smile.

"You have  to go to Coca-Cola World. There's a biiiig  fountain there that has all the different flavours and you catch them in your mouth. And then there's...."

She keeps up with the running commentary. Until we're well off the ground and in the air.

Every now and then I look across the aisle and see her Mum rolling her eyes. I just smile back.

"But you HAVE  to go to the convention this weekend! That's why we left Granny's. So Mommy can go meet Daryl. She thinks he's super-hot....but I like Carl way better. He's much cleaner too."

She finally drew a breath, allowing her Mum to pipe up in embarrassed outrage....

"Tabitha!  Honestly, young lady....your mouth needs a filter on it!"

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