Chapter 20 - Happy Ending

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"Rest or stay?"

The young receptionist asked the question of Norman, except he was still dumbstruck and grinning idiotically.

So, I take over.

"Rest"  I answer with a smile and nod my acceptance when advised the minimum time block is four hours.

I was a bit freaked out at the existence of love hotels, when I stumbled across them during my first trip to Japan. But given the density of living here? They make total sense by allowing couples to have some privacy for a few hours.

So having read up on them a bit, I know exactly how to answer the questions put to me.

Luckily, Norman is wearing his denim jacket over his t-shirt. Because it hides his inkwork. Otherwise, we would've been turned away immediately.

Tatts = possible criminal connections = no get room.

Clutching the key card in one hand and his sweaty palm in the other, I lead him to the lift. The poor man is shaking like a leaf. In shock or anticipation? I'm beyond caring.

All I know is that I'm being consumed within by a raging fire and it's demanding to be doused.

I've taken a swan dive off the high board....into the deep pool that is Norman. And he's been teaching me how to swim to the surface like a pro.

Keep asking myself in amazement, how I got so lucky to find this man....and have him find me.

"Yes! You're one fortunate girl alright, Olivia Hardy! Because you've hit the jackpot of your life"  I tell myself.

I doubt that anyone else would've been as loving, patient and giving. Or so skilled with a first-timer like me. And knowing he's as emotionally invested as I am? Well, that's just the icing on my cake.

Norman gives me the confidence to just be. To live in the moment and do what feels good....what feels right.

For both of us, I hope?


"Be gentle with me, Ollie! Cos I'm a love hotel virgin."

Norman laughed in delight as he stood in the middle of the room. Divested of the shopping bags that concealed his huge physical reaction.

Now I know why he was having trouble walking from the café to here. It's a wonder he didn't give himself  a sprain  😏

"Is that what you really  want, Norman?"

I lift my eyebrows to him in question and place my palms on his chest, while smirking my box off.

"No fucking way!"  He growled back, with a smile that's as wicked as it is wide.

"Your wish? My command!"

I tilted my mouth up and traced his with my tongue. Breathing in the faintest trace of coffee lingering on the surrounding skin and whiskers.

He kept his mouth parted as I dipped in and continued my journey along his inner lips. Felt his breath puff out in short shuddery bursts.

Spread my hands over his chest. Pushing the jacket over his shoulders then down his arms before tossing it away.

My tongue tickled the tip of his own. My lips are so close to his but not touching them as yet. I felt the groan before it erupted from his chest as he tried to capture my mouth.

Pulling back, my teeth gently gripped his lower lip and I slowly sucked it between mine as if it was a piece of fudge. Risked an upwards glance to see his eyelids flutter like the wings on a hummingbird.

I let my hands drift to his waist and gripped his t-shirt. My mouth let go of him, so I could remove it completely and throw it over to his jacket.

"Kiss me, Ollie"  He begged so I obliged.

Not his lips though and not with mine. Opening my mouth, I nipped the skin below his throat. Rubbed his chest with nipples hardening under the friction.

"Bite me, lick me. Jeezus....just do it Little Miss! "  Norman's command was forceful and intense.

"Yessss"  He chanted as his orders were enthusiastically carried out.

I grazed hungrily like a vampire all over his upper body. Wrestled with his belt, finally getting it and the button of his jeans undone.

"Careful with the zip, baby."

As I slowly dragged it south I found out why he gave the warning.

"Where are your boxers, Mr Reedus?"  I whispered into a nipple, biting it when he replied....

"Under your futon, I think. Oh fuck....please don't stop! "

Moving into him, I kept going until he shuffled backwards. When his calves hit the edge of the bed frame I gave a little shove with my hands. He fell on his butt, bouncing slightly on the mattress and huffing out a laugh.

Once I tugged his boots off I began pulling his pants down. He lifted his butt off the bed to assist....abs contracting. Making me lick my lips at the sight.

His hardness bounced up into the air once it was freed and his jeans were thrown onto the little pile I've made of his clothes.

Losing sight of me, Norman's head raised from the bed to seek me out. Finding me kneeling between his splayed legs? His eyes rolled and he nearly passed out.


He rasped out my name and threw his head back on the mattress. As my tongue dragged its way up one thigh and down the other. Avoiding his twitching length when I switched sides.

I quickly throw off my t-shirt and bra, lose my shoes. Then wiggle my way out of jeans and undies at the same time.

I'm now as naked as he is and breathing almost as heavily.

Know what I want to do to him, I think? But knowing and actually doing  are two completely different things. So, I just decide to go with my gut and let his reaction be my guide. Rather than beg him to teach me again.

Though I can't resist repeating one last tiny question.

"Gentle?"  I ask, blowing softly on him.

Watching in fascination as heis massive boner swung in the air like a metronome.

"No....fucking....way!"  His voice is croaky now and not a little breathless.

I waited patiently until he raised his head to peer down at me again. Licked my lips and then ran my tongue over my teeth.

"Wish....command"  I gripped him in my hands and brought him to my mouth.

"FUUUUCK"  The scream ripped out of his chest as his face screwed up in ecstasy.

'Ok....that's one hell of a reaction'  I thought as my eyes closed. Breathed his heated scent in while savouring every morsel of my moaning and groaning happy meal.

We got lost in each other. I only came back to earth when the hands that were frantically gripping at the bed covers reached up and tangled themselves in my hair.

"Ollie....look at me....please? "  He gasped urgently.

When I did my heart stopped, seeing the mixture of adoration, love, agony and ecstacy written all over his face.

"I love you"  He breathed out before his eyes glazed over and he let out a lion's roar.

While his little lioness purred around him.

From Tokyo With Love - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now