Chapter 34 - No Room At The Inn

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As soon as I hear the door click shut behind him? I zip up my case again. Dump it on the floor, before grabbing my tablet and sitting on the lounge chair in the corner of the bedroom.

'No use unpacking....not when I'll be leaving shortly anyway'  I thought as I click on the first accommodation search engine and start typing in my requirements.

An hour later the stream of curses coming out of my mouth would be enough to make a sailor blush. I've carefully worked my way through everything. From hotels to hostels to B & B's and Airbnb. I even tried trailer parks and holiday cabins in National Parks.

Then I went down to one-night searches. Hell, if I have to move hotels every day until Monday? That's fine by me.

The words 'Sold Out'  are imprinted on my eyeballs.


The Ford has a trailer hitch. I can hire a caravan and hook it up. Find a nice quiet place then park my butt.

No luck.


I read that some Walmart's even provide a space in their carpark for campers to set themselves up. So they could shop until they drop. I'll hire an RV and do the same as I was going to do with the caravan.

No luck.

Maybe I can buy one....and then just give it away afterwards? you're being a total numpty!

Sleeping bag, air mattress and a tent?

Ollie....are you really that desperate?

"YES!"  I wail.

Because my hopelessness has been steadily building. Ever since Greg told me where I'll be staying for the next five nights.

It feels like I'm suffering from 'Stockholm Syndrome'....but in reverse. Instead of starting off as a hostage and forming a relationship with my kidnapper? I'd done the relationship bit and now feel like a hostage.

Hostage be damned! Norman....has been and always will be my captor.

I gave him my word that I'll listen to whatever he has to say about what happened between us.

But while I'm still under his roof?

With nowhere to run away and hide, then lick my wounds in private afterwards? Just want him to say his piece, take it on the chin and go back to my own life.

Such as it is.

Is that too much to ask for? Am I being nothing more than a selfish bitch?


Hot tears of frustration finally spill down my face. I'm grumpy, tired, angry and name it. Have my own seven little emotional dwarves whistling away merrily while they work on me.


I strip off and climb into the shower. My head is thumping from the last four hours of almost non-stop 'woe is me'. Interminable hours since he turned around to face me in the restaurant.


The loudness of my voice made me jump, as I throw the bathrobe away. Even that smells of him. As does the towel I used to dry myself and the smaller one I've wrapped around my dripping head.

Admitting defeat, I grab my case again and open it. Donning my sleeping shirt and undies I pull back the covers, climb into the bed.

'I'll never be able to sleep'  I told myself.

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