Chapter 23 - Over And Out

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Tokyo + one month

As soon as the door to my trailer closed shut behind me, I reached out blindly for my bag. My hand wrapped around the little jar and I breathed out a prayer of thanks.

Thought I might've left it at the hotel  😌

My eye and head are pounding a steady beat. I found out in the worst possible way that extremes in temperature affect the new titanium socket.

And today is a fucking freezing day in Toronto!

When Ollie bought the jar of herbal balm for me and gently rubbed it in? The relief was instantaneous. I've gone through that jar and half of another in the last month.

I better give Minnie a ring and ask if she can ship some more over to me.

After wiping my hands I pack up my gear and leave the trailer. Walking off the film set towards the hotel where most of the cast and crew are staying.

We've been in production for nearly a month now and I have to admit it's been hard going for me. The accident has screwed me over more than I realise. 

So the early finish before my weekend off comes as a welcome blessing.

Flanery is still going over some scene changes with Troy, the film's director and writer. I said goodbye to them earlier.


Billy's strong Scottish accent rang out. I turn to see his smiling face sticking out the rear window of the town car that's now pacing me.

"Can I give ye a lift to the hotel, son?"

"Nah....thanks Billy. I'm all good, pal. See ya Monday!"

Raised a hand in fond farewell to him as he gave me the thumbs up and drove off.

I light my cigarette and keep walking. Glad for the opportunity to stretch my legs a bit and empty my mind of the happenings on set. Filming is going Ok, no dramas so far....thank God.

Not that I would've cared anyway. Haven't given many flying fucks about much at all lately. I get up, go to work then return to the hotel.

Work, smoke, eat, drink, sleep and shit. That's all I do.

Gotta be honest....the eating and sleeping have been pretty far down the priorities lately. And the work doesn't stop when I finish on set either. Every waking moment when I'm around other people?

I'm acting....playing a part.

Playing 'Norman Reedus'.

I check my phone as I've done almost every ten minutes since I got home from Tokyo. And my mind drifted back as it always does.



'Must be near eleven PM back in Tokyo?'  I calculated when I grabbed my bags off the carousel at LAX and fired up my cell. It was six AM in sunny Los Angeles.

I told Ollie in my letter to call me around midnight Tokyo time. There were no missed calls, so she should be ringing in about an hour.

I stumbled into my apartment.

Unpacked and threw my clothes into the washer before having a hot shower to freshen up a bit. Then settled myself down in bed with my laptop. Phone on charge and within easy reach.

The only call I received was from Sean, confirming the meeting time for the next day. Midday came then went and eventually my body caved in to sleep.

I woke up around six PM and checked again. Still no missed call.

From Tokyo With Love - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now