Chapter 17 - Leap Of Faith

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Norman moaned my name into my mouth one last time as he slowly slid out of my body.

He took his weight back onto his forearms, lifted his head and peered intently into my eyes. For the life of me, I can't work out the expression in his. As they're brimming with a mixture of happiness, astonishment and sadness.

Sadness is the one that's throwing me for a loop.

" I do something wrong? "  I whisper a little fearfully, my gaze dropping from his.

I lost myself in him for so long, not thinking....just feeling.

Have I been so selfish, totally drowning in my own pleasure that I paid no attention to his?

I'd been a bit worried, that my romantic notions of making love to a man for the first time would be just that. Foolish imaginings gleaned from reading so many soppy Mills and Boon paperbacks.

My guilty secret.

But it felt....I can't explain it. Nothing in my wildest dreams could've prepared me for a reality that far exceeded....

What he....what we  did together....just about sent my soul into the hereafter.

What if he hadn't enjoyed himself as much as I obviously did?

Norman brought his hands up to cup my cheeks and gave them a little shake until I looked at him again. And his face was aghast.

"Holy fuck, Ollie! Never in my life has anything ever felt so right. How could you even think such a thing?"

"You looked sad"  I blurt out, sounding like the silly teenager that I really am.

"If I did, sweetheart? Then it's only because I never wanted it to end. You silly little...."

He cut himself off by kissing me hard, almost bruising my lips. As if punishing me for my dunderheaded thoughts.

I'm well and truly chastened  🙂

Norman rolled away but never let up his grip. Dragging me onto my side, he wrapped me in his arms. Snaked a leg between mine until my thigh straddled his hip.

"What am  I gonna do with you, Miss Livi?"

His eyes narrowed threateningly as his head laid itself next to mine on the pillow.

"Well you're the expert, Mr Norman. So you tell me!"  My self-confidence began to dribble its way back and I arch an eyebrow at him, saucily.

"All the ideas that're running through my head right now, you sassy little minx? I won't be telling....only doing!"  His hand slid down my butt and pinched, making me jump a little on his thigh.

It's then I become aware of the wetness between mine. He does too....and let out horror-struck gasp.

"Oh my God! I didn't even think....wasn't expecting it. I'm so sorry! Condoms....shit....SHIT! "

"Well I did kinda jump your bones, Norman. Didn't exactly give you much of a say in it either. So how could you be prepared? But you don't have to worry because I'm on the pill"  I cut in to put his mind at ease.

"Worry? That wouldn't bother me in the slightest, Ollie. Oh hell, I didn't mean that the way it came out. So flippant about contraception and stuff."

"I meant....I was more concered about how you'd  feel. There was only Helena for five years and since we split? Well....there's been no one else. So, you've got nothing to worry about as far know."

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