Chapter 10 - Mind Over Matter

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I waited until Minnie left, taking the tray of empty breakfast dishes with her.

Before my Koakuma could rise from her cushion, I retrieved the parcel from my backpack and held it out to her.

"Happy Anniversary, Ollie!"

I'm sure I have a stupid grin on my face. Am feeling a bit idiotic, but I've honestly gone way  beyond caring now.

Her face lit up at the sight of an unexpected gift, but then she peered at me quizzically.

"It's one week ago today that we first met!"

She laughed, reaching over to take the present from my hands. Only I wouldn't let it go. Pulled it and by default....her....back towards me. Puckering up and making kissy noises until she complied.

Which she did, with great enthusiasm and for quite some time I'm very happy to say.

Minnie wrapped it for me in the traditional Japanese way. Using a beautiful piece of cloth I found in the local market.

Thicker than normal silk, it's background is a beautiful meadowy green. Hand-painted with cherry blossoms and butterflies. Their wings are the exact same colour as Ollie's eyes.

And that's what drew me to it in the first place.

Those eyes of hers rolled as she shook her head in disbelief. Her hands are now holding up the tiny, blue-checked hotpants she tried on during our first outing.

"You, Mr Reedus....are way beyond redemption"  She admonished me with a laugh and resigned shake of her head.

Her breath then drew in sharply. Cos she'd spotted what was nestling underneath the little white top that goes with the shorts.

After it was printed I had the photo framed in hand-made card. Actually, I got two made....have kept one for myself.

I shuffle my butt until I'm sitting next to her.

"Just wanted you to see....what I see"  I murmured into her ear before placing a kiss on her cheek.

"That's really me?"  She asked in wonder.

I took it the night she cooked for me. When she was lightly dozing after our meal....seconds before I kissed her for the first time. Many hundreds if not thousands of kisses ago now.

Leaning my chin on her shoulder I gazed down at the photo with her.

"You're beautiful, Ollie...."  I whisper,

"....even when you drool in your sleep."

She huffed indignantly.

"I don't drool!  No sugar for you  today, Mr Reedus!"

Man....I do love a challenge!



Hideo dragged her into a huge hug. Grabbed me in one as well before ushering us both into his warehouse.

He's going to show me around a bit then take us out to lunch.

"I'm sorry again for cancelling on Tuesday. Hope the reschedule hasn't put out your plans for today?"  He apologised profusely to both of us.

"Hey, worries! You're working, we're on holiday. So think nothing of it"  I rush on to put it out of his mind.

"This place is absolutely awesome! I have no idea how interactive-based games are made....thought it was all done on computers. But this? It's like a full-blown movie studio."

From Tokyo With Love - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now