Chapter 36 - Yankee Doodle Don't

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Norman's friends are so welcoming and funny. Obviously, they all have a very close relationship with each other. Both on and off the set.

It seems that all I'm doing is eating, drinking, laughing....and I'm having a total ball.

Was, anyway....

By the time the town fireworks show started at about nine PM? Everyone has well and truly full tummies. Some went to lie down on the lawn, whilst the rest of us stand on the deck....leaning over the railings.

It's as if they're going off right over our heads.

At one stage, Norman whipped me around and tugged me back against his chest. Leaning his head into mine over my shoulder, he clicked yet another photo.

Just as a huge shower of light and rainbow sparkles went off behind us.


I manage to stop my mouth in time. Quickly pull away from him in embarrassment....turning  to watch the sky light up. But he draped an arm around my shoulders again and I can't move away. Not without making an obvious show of it.

I wish I could say it's the fireworks taking my breath away?

Then Norman bought out a huge box of them. The pile grew and grew as all the guys got to work setting them up. Eventually, they start heading skywards.

Lauren and I are standing together, waving a handful of sparklers and giggling like schoolgirls. Norman and Andy stumble over, both looking a bit singed. Greg has taken over lighting the wicks.

"It's just like bonfire night back home!"

Andy is madly taking pics now along with everyone else.

"Yes...."  Exclaimed Lauren,

"....we used to go to the one at Hampstead Heath every year!"

"Near Parliament Hill?"  She nodded back to me with a huge smile.

"So did we!  That's where we used to take the kids! They'd go crazy....though we used to as well. Did you put hot chestnuts in your coat pockets to keep your hands warm? Eat parkin and drink scrumpy?"

We both keep up our reminiscences of Guy Fawkes night and London until all the sparkles die down.

Unfortunately, that also heralds the end of the evening and everyone gradually starts to take their leave.

"See you tomorrow, gorgeous! Won't be a biggie, just a quick meet and greet with my guys. Most of them will be too hungover to work anyways"  Greg planted a huge kiss on my forehead as he left.

"We'll be seeing you again on Sunday, sweetie? The Fan Fest? It'll be a real eye-opener for you I'm sure" Mel announced as she gave me a hug goodbye.

Then I was all but smothered by Lauren and Andy.


I cleaned up the kitchen. Then went outside to help Norman, who's going around throwing paper plates and other rubbish into garbage bags. Setting the patio to rights.

"You're right....they're just the loveliest people. Thank you so much, Norman. I had a wonderful time tonight"  I whisper softly, reaching over to kiss his cheek.

Never even got close to the target, cos he reared if I'm Typhoid Mary.

"It's Ok, Ollie. No need for thanks. Listen why don't you call it a night....I've got the rest of this"  He spun away and kept picking up rubbish.

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