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Again, I just want to give my heartfelt thanks to everyone who's come along for the ride. Voted and commented.

A special shout out to Hillbean1, MelissaDavis089, Dixbit and AguaCaliente for their support and comments for each of my stories. You guys have stuck with me from the start and I really appreciate it.

Seeing that little red notification dot always makes my day  😍

Just putting together the last few chapters of this book, before going back to my Home Is....Daryl Dixon series. My apologies for being lax there....I got a bit tunnel visioned with this story. The words were writing in my head faster than I could get them typed up.

I do however, have another Reedus Romance bubbling away in the cesspool that is my brain. And I hope to start getting that written up as well. I'll put up an announcement as soon as 'Cooking Up A Storm - A Norman Reedus Fanfic Romance'  starts posting.

Edit: It's already published along with 'A Convenient Wife'.

Again, I hope my weird Aussie sense of humour didn't make you scratch your heads too much and that the more intimate bits weren't too mature. Hope you all used your own imaginations to fill in the blanks  😉

That's half the fun isn't it?

No offence intended to those non fictional folk that I've included in here and the liberties I've taken with some of their own true life stories. They are inspirations only.

So thank you again and as always....never stop reading....writing....imagining....dreaming.

Everyone deserves to escape every now and then  😍

From Tokyo With Love - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now