Chapter 5 - Learning To Fly

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What a difference a man makes!

'And what a man he is'  I thought, retracing my steps through the alleyways of Koenji.

Norman and I made our way back to the Ryokan after lunch. By the time we arrived, I think even he agreed with me that some downtime was overdue. Not that he'd ever admit it out loud of course.

After we parted I went back to my room for a while. Checked some emails and freshened up a bit before venturing out on my own again.

Last night, after I left him in the garden? I began to worry that I'd suddenly become an insomniac. My eyes simply wouldn't close even though the futon mattress beckoned me with its softness.

So I just wandered around the room for a while, unpacking fully and putting my gear away. All the while running through our dinner encounter in my head.


Tess is the consummate pro, or so I thought. Yet even she could learn a thing or two from Norman. I certainly have. And there's no way I'm going to let his short, yet valuable lessons go to waste.

You're such an idiot, Ollie!

Worrying last night about how you might manage to get through a whole day. Out on your own with him.

But I'm amazed at how comfortable I felt....and still feel now. His openness and willingness to share bits of himself have put me totally at ease. To the point where I'm confident enough to just let myself go with the flow.

To get lost not just physically but, mentally....emotionally.

I feel like Sleeping Beauty, well....except the beauty bit.

Though the way he looks at me when he thinks I won't notice? And the way he gaped at me openly when I came out of the change room at the vintage store? Well, it just boosts my little ego to no end.

But the sleeping bit? Yeah....I've well and truly received a wake-up call. It's as if I'd been put into a coma by all those unsuitable guys Tess foisted upon me.

To them, I was only something to be seen with. Not a person to be seen in my own right. Someone to talk at instead of talk asked my opinion.

Or a chattel? That could be bought by a meal and a drink. Then pawed over as if it was their due.

Norman was worried that he'd monopolised our day. But being with him was like being in a two-person classroom. Learning what another person thought and felt by talking, asking questions and having them ask questions back.

He made me feel like I'm part of everything and not simply an observer.

When he did that? I discovered even more confidence inside that I didn't know existed. Or maybe I've always had it. But never found the right opportunity, or the right let it run free.

Let it out to play? Like Tess says I should do with my inner slut?

For the first time in my limited experience with the opposite sex, I feel a tad reckless now....powerful maybe. And dare I say it, even a bit....unpredictable?

Except I still have a fair bit of fear. Is this sudden feeling of empowerment just a holiday thing? Something that's flowering thanks to Norman's attentions?

What happens when we part company? Will I carry this on with me or will it just go back into hiding again?

I'm shuddering at the thought of losing what I've only just found.

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