Chapter 18 - Hot Water

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I groaned as he lowered me down into the water.

We finally made it into the actual bath. Four hours and another soapy scrub after our first attempt. Not that I'm complaining about the delay, mind you.

Not one little bit!

Once Norman made sure I was settled he climbed in too. Floated over to the corner furthest away....then smirked at me.

"Don't pout, Little Miss! Think it's best if we keep a bit of space between us. Cos I feel that Minnie will do more than wag her finger if anything other than a gentle soak goes on in this tub."

His mouth is saying one thing, yet his face is telling me a whole different story. A couple of stories at once actually.

The first can be classified as 'XXX'  rated. Every now and then his tongue rakes across his lips. As if he's remembering or rather anticipating feeling my skin on them.

And his eyes then narrow, focusing in on my body while I swirl the water gently around me.

Then suddenly he'll switch. Mouth opening along with his eyes....full of tenderness and almost....amazement? As if he can't believe his declaration of love would ever be reciprocated.

He's amazed????!!!!

When those words came out of his mouth? Have to admit....I was stupefied. Almost as if time stood still for me in that lantern-lit garden.

Did I hear him right? Did Norman just say he fell in love with me?

He loves me?

Afterwards he went so quiet, almost as if he was afraid of my reaction. I's only been ten days since we first met. Who wouldn't be scared witless? I know I was.

But I knew.

Knew within the first ten minutes of our meeting that this man was it. Took me a bit longer to admit it to myself....logical and methodical idiot that I am.

But I knew and so did he.

Norman's face returned to that look of amazement again.

"I love big Doofus"  I whisper without thinking.

Making him shake his head and give a little embarrassed chuckle.

"What?"  I ask, my voice a bit louder this time.

"You've got no idea what that does to me, Ollie. Hearing you say it and knowing that you really mean it. And I feel  like a colossal Doofus. Because I just wanna hear you say it all the time....tell you the same."

"And I used to think people who do that, were needy. Couldn't abide them. But I know better now. I'm more than happy to stand up and be counted as one."

"I'm a big needy Doofus who loves you back, Ollie Hardy. And I'm fucking proud of it!"  He finished with a huge self-satisfied grin and we both burst into peals of laughter.

"So, what happens now?"  I ask when we get our breath back.

"Weeeellll, according to your plan....we've ticked off bed then food. It was supposed to be bed again then bath? So we appear to have skipped a step, my Little Miss."

Norman wagged a finger at me as if I'm derelict in my duties and I growl back at him in mock exasperation. He knows how to flip my switches.

"Ohhhh"  He continued in exaggeration....

"You mean 'what happens now' in once we've finished ravishing each other? Well, we have at least a few dozen years before we gotta start any other planning....surely?"

"Just yanking your chain, Kaida!"  He spluttered in laughter and ducked when I throw my washcloth at him.

"Come here, you"  He growled, pulling me towards him and settling my back against his chest.

As his arms wrapped around my waist, he kissed my ear and started talking.

"Not gonna lie, Ollie....this is gonna be one hell of a logistical nightmare. There's a damn ocean between us. And when I move to New York? There's gonna be another whole fucking continent as well. Everything's stacked against us."

Yes, there's a shit load of barriers. But I'm not going to be such a pessimist. I roll in his arms until I'm lying on his chest, peering up into his face.

"Norman? Planes fly, phones ring....texts and emails get sent. Yes, it'll take a bit of planning plus a lot of give and take. You said that this is the beginning of something really important for us and I agree. So don't give up before we even start. Please?"

He peeped down at me a bit sheepishly.

"Sorry, Ollie. Couldn't see the forest for the trees. My brain is just not in the game right now. But you're right. We can  work it out together....and we will "  He's nodding and smiling now as he kissed me on the forehead.

"OK!  First plan....we sleep on it. Friday is when you're booked to fly home?"

I sigh sadly.

"Right then. On Wednesday we'll find a quiet spot. Sit down and work out what we're gonna do for the first four weeks. I reckon if we take it month by month? Then things won't crash down on us too hard."

"That sounds like an awesome start. I have to go to Taiwan in a fortnight. From there to L.A is only about fifteen hours. And don't forget, in my line of work? I can do it from anywhere as long as I've got my laptop."

I'm grinning back at him now.

"Ain't all gonna be on you though, Ollie. But like you said, we'll work it out....together. We won't make it harder than it has to be."

He gripped my butt cheeks and slid me up his body, so he could plant his lips on mine. He tastes of pizza, Coke and cigarettes. Except, to me? He's the best flavour in the world.

"Someone's making something  hard"  I murmur against his neck before giving it a little nip.

I can feel him growing against my tummy, while I gently rock my body over his in the water.


We finally got to sleep in my room around two AM the next morning. Between love, we talked nonstop. Teased and we've been doing most days since we first met.

I jump into wakefulness at the sound of his phone clicking.

"Sorry, sweetheart. Couldn't help myself"  Norman whispered apologetically.

Dawn is edging through the walls of my room and I see him standing over me. I take a brief few seconds to sleepily admire him in all his full glory.

Wide shoulders and narrow hips, his arms roped with muscle as are his thighs. His chest hair trails down his stomach....and I imagine my tongue following its path. It appears I have kind of a thing for men with a bit of fluff  😉

"I'll have to go soon, baby. Won't be right if Minnie comes home to find me here in your room. I doubt she'll mind, to be honest....but I don't wanna put her or you in that situation."

He climbed into bed and pulled me backwards to him. Bought the picture up on the screen to show me.

I was lying in shafts of sunlight. With tousled hair and in mid-movement as I woke.

"You're my morning glory"  He murmured into the nape of my neck whilst his hand dropped the phone and navigated its way to my breasts.

It's a glorious morning alright.

If Norman could be packaged as an alarm clock? I reckon millions of women around the world will be happy to get up at the crack of dawn.


From Tokyo With Love - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now