Chapter 9 - Making The Grade

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Many years of getting lost in chick-lit romances could never have prepared me for this!

At first, he started softly as if scared of my reaction to his kissing me.

Oh, screw that!

I've waited too long for a real  man to place his lips on mine and not miss the target completely. Too long to taste a mouth that hasn't just downed a schooner of beer or a meat pie.

Too damn long waiting for this  man!

His mouth took control and his tongue eventually darted past my lips....ghosting mine in little hops and skips. I opened up so he could settle in. Not even realising that my hand was already tugging his head closer.

When he groaned and called a sudden end by rolling onto his back?  I began to worry that he'd come to his senses. But he pulled me over until I was almost blanketing him. Once he held my head in his hands, his repeat performance became unrelenting....yet so very welcome.

Now it's me who's....not groaning....but whimpering like a needy child.

Norman's arm curled around my waist. Dragging me over further until I was lying on the other side of him. Somehow, not breaking contact with my mouth for a single second.

I'm completely wrapped up in his arms and one of his hands ran up and down the silk of my Kimono. From my shoulder blades down my spine to the top of my butt and back again.

When he lifted his mouth from mine an eternity later, his look was one of pure regret this time. Kissing me tenderly on the tip of my nose he leaned his forehead on mine.

"My little devil....if I don't stop now then I never will. You know that, don't you?"  He whispered to me and I reluctantly agreed.

I know he's telling the truth too....because I can feel him twitching hard against my thigh. The same one I've been shamelessly rubbing against him in my own excitement.

We both sighed as we untangled ourselves. Bursting into laughter when we heard each other.

"Has this ever happened to you before, Ollie?"  Norman asked as he helped me to my feet.

"Oh yeah, all the time....regular as clockwork. Soon as I check into a Ryokan? I seek out the most gorgeous and sexiest man I can find. Cook him a meal, then force him to kiss me on the tatami mats....until I can't think straight!"

"Doesn't usually take me forty-eight hours though"  I advise him saucily.

"Imp!  I was gonna grade you on your first assignment, but now...."

He shrugged his shoulders and started to turn away. But I grabbed the lapels of his Tux and dragged him back again.

"But now?"  I whisper....lips bare millimetres from his.

"Well....I'll just have to mark you on your dish washing abilities instead. And maybe, just maybe? Think about giving you permission to resubmit your assignment tomorrow."

He gave a teasing tickle with his tongue at my bottom lip, before reluctantly closing the slightly gaping Kimono. Tightening the obe sash around my waist.


He wiped as I washed. Every now and then he gently flicked my butt with his dish towel. I retaliated by squirting rinsing water at him.

"My grandchildren better behaving than you two!"  Minnie's voice scared the holy crap out of us.

Not listening to our apologies or complaints that we need to finish cleaning up, she shooed us out of her beloved kitchen.

"Miss Livi? Why you mouth look like shave rash?"

She winked, I blushed and Norman roared with laughter as he dragged me out into the garden.

"So what're you doing tomorrow, Miss Livi? Getting lost in Tokyo....or in me?"

We were standing just outside my room when he purred out the question, swinging me around to face him.

"That depends, Mr Reedus. Is this your roundabout way of asking a girl out on a date?"  I try for flippancy but don't quite make my complete embarrassment.

I gaze everywhere except at him. Because I don't want this man to see how much his kisses have affected me. Not just physically, because he already knows the answer to that.

"Ollie"  Norman grabbed my head in his hands, forcing me to look at him.

His face is holding a seriousness I haven't seen so far.

"I asked if this has ever happened to you before because this is a total first for me. And I'm scared shitless....cos I don't want to fuck it all up."

"Ever since we first met? I....I just wanted to be with you, get to know you. Hell....kiss the damn life out of you and more"  He growled fervently.

But then his voice changes completely. As if he's now afraid of how I'll react.

"Please, please  tell me you feel the same. Even if it's a little bit? Not just some flirting and not just....a physical thing? I know it's only been such a short time...."

I'm totally thrown for a complete loop.

The smart, slightly weird, teasing and seemingly confident....yet self-doubting man of the world that I've gotten to know so far? Has totally disappeared. Standing in front of me now is a guy who's unsure....hesitant....and almost terrified to hear my response.

'Isn't this how I'm supposed to be? Isn't it the girl who's supposed to be shit scared of letting a guy know how she really case she scares him off?'  I ask myself in shock.

It must've shown on my face because he suddenly let go. Started to turn away dejectedly.

Reaching out quickly, I placed my hand on his cheek and turned his face back to mine. Waiting patiently until he anxiously peeked at me again.

"Norman....just a little bit?  That's the understatement of a lifetime. Believe me"  I whispered gently as my other hand reached behind his neck and pulled his face down to mine.

"So how about you kiss the almighty bejeezus out of me again?"

He did what I asked without hesitation. Slamming that mouth of his possessively onto my own. I wrapped my arms around his neck....and held on for dear life.

Got me this feeling he isn't scared shitless any more....

"Miss Livi?"  He begged after finally coming up for air.

"Will you please spend the day with me tomorrow? Allow me to take you out for dinner tomorrow night? And do the same the day after....and the day after that....and the day...."

My lips attached themselves to his again and I breathed my answer out against them....



The next day after breakfast, we set out once more. The grin on his face was huge as he grabbed my hand and led me away from the Ryokan.

We made it a grand total of twenty-five metres down the street. Before he quickly glanced around then dragged me behind a fence. Norman silenced my squeaks of mild alarm by topping up my 'shave rash'.

"Why couldn't we have met in France?"  He reluctantly groaned, eventually letting me go.

"I love Japan....but holding hands is about their limit for showing affection in public."

"Awwww, my poor....poor baby"  I winked at him as we continued our way to the station.

"Let me know when you start craving some sugar? I'm sure there'll be a love hotel nearby that does one-hour blocks."

His hand nearly crushed mine and I swear the sound I heard was his jaw hitting the pavement at full speed.

Think I just got a resounding pass on yet another major assignment?

And it sure as hell isn't for my dishwashing abilities!  😉

From Tokyo With Love - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now