Chapter 4 - Not Lost In Translation

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Probably stood in that garden for a good five minutes after she left. And if you were to ask me what went through my head?

I wouldn't have a frigging clue.

Eventually, I had a smoke and then shuffled to my room.

Didn't turn on the light as my eyes have already grown accustomed to the dim glow from the garden lanterns. Plus the sudden glare will probably set off a throb in my eye.

I threw off my Yukata and stretch, groaning as bones creak. I let out another when I lay down on the futon mattress and pull the covers around me.

Except this latest groan isn't caused by body aches....well not entirely.

'What the hell are you doing....are you crazy?'  I give myself a mental whack around the head.

Fuck yes!

Ollie is gorgeous and has a body that'll make a teenage boy go through a whole box of tissues. But I'm not a teenager and there has to be more than just a figure and face. Plus she couldn't be further from my type.

I usually gravitate towards strong women, not hesitant ones.

Women who know themselves. Confident and not afraid to ask or take what they want. Not afraid to try something different. Or even, teach me  something different.

Not afraid to be a little dangerous. Dark....deep....edgy.

Girls like Ollie?

I run a mile from them as soon as I can. Smiling, sweet, unsure....probably virgin still.

Nope....that's not me.

Another groan escapes my throat. What the hell have I done? Offering to teach her how to flirt and then inviting myself on her day out.

Wanting to wrap myself around that body. Suck the living daylights out of her through those plumped lips? Hear her laugh and smell her skin....all over.


You're just one big contradiction, Reedus....what a dickhead! You started to tell Ollie you like her just as she is....then you said she has potential.

Potential for what exactly? And how can you make such an assumption after a couple of hours? Most of it with you talking anyway.

Who the hell is she? And why do you care so much about finding that out for yourself?

No fucking idea, huh!


Before I know it, daylight is filtering through my eyelids.

God, what a night. The dreams were never ending and Ollie featured in all of them. But not the tentatively flirting, blushing girl from dinner.

Ooooh noooo....Dream Ollie made me blush!

And now I'm scared that maybe I'll use Dream Ollie as a measuring stick for the real-life Ollie.

"Morning, Norman. Sleep....well?"

She smiled like a Madonna, with one eyebrow raised in question. As I stepped into the dining room.

That brief pause in her question? It's as if she knows exactly how I slept....and exactly  what I dreamed of.

Hmmmm....did this Little Miss make a start on her own homework last night?

Minnie came up behind me carrying a huge breakfast tray.

From Tokyo With Love - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now