Chapter 29 - Get A Move On

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Tokyo + ten years

"Will you please just sit down already? I'm perfectly capable of preparing some formula and feeding a baby on my own you know!"

"God I'm so glad you're here, sweetheart. It'll be nice to have some adult company for a change"  Trey whispered and kissed my forehead, just after his eyes almost rolled back into his own.

"Bossy bitch!"  Tess retorted as I push down on her shoulder with one hand until her bum hits the cushioned seat.

"Sit!"  I repeat before returning to my task.

Trey and Tess moved from London five months ago. They left it until the last possible moment before Tess's pregnancy would stop them from flying.

I gaze down at my little newborn namesake in my arms.

Oliver Nicholas Halpern made his New York debut two weeks ago and he's absolutely gorgeous. This is my first opportunity to have some quality cuddle time. And I'm not going to let his Mum wrestle him away from me.

"Hello, little man....I'm your Aunty Ollie. You're so adorable I could just eat you all up"  I whisper as my lips caress his downy cheek.

Oliver is Tess and Trey's third child. Madison was born exactly nine months after their wedding day. And at five years of age is showing all the hallmarks of becoming a mini Tess.

I can't help suppressing a small evil grin. About time my bestie got a taste of her own medicine.

Saxon's almost three going on sixty and the exact duplicate of his Dad. That kid is so wise, calm and chilled out? A whole bottle of undiluted red cordial wouldn't even make a tiny dent in his demeanour.

I wonder if Oliver will turn out to be a hybrid of his parents?

We all trooped into the family room. Flopping down next to Tess, I cradle Oliver as he clamps down on his bottle....making little sounds of enjoyment.


They're coming from me!  😉

"Good flight, Oll?"  Trey asked as he wiggled a bottle of white and raised his eyebrows.

I nod back to both.

As soon as they told me they were pregnant again? Trey announced they wanted to move back to New York to be closer to his family. Then asked if I'll consider moving too.

I thought about it least ten seconds. Before saying yes.

London has been good to us for almost nine years. It's been a great base for the business, allowing easy access to the American and Asian markets for our products. But really, Trey and I can base ourselves just about anywhere nowadays.

We employ nearly three hundred people now. From marketers to developers to factory managers. All busily churning out the software and now the hardware for use in digital special effects.

We've done very well for ourselves indeed.

When I say we, I mean Trey and myself. He became an official equal partner within seven months of our first meeting. Such is the high esteem in which I hold him. Both professionally and personally.

We make a pretty damned fine team, even if I do say so myself.

Tess was smitten with him from the get-go. Though it took Trey a fair bit longer to come around. He had Tess's number alright and wasn't going to become another conquest. He played it safe and took his time.

From Tokyo With Love - A Norman Reedus Fanfic RomanceWhere stories live. Discover now